or worse more ""waa waa what-how much they drink??"
the reason is I wanted to share my store I had typed to the soy milk co
as to HOW much we consume & it would be nice for a coupon or a few to help along the way....mind you at WalMart it cost $2.96 a carton-You do the math on that one!
BOY was i surprised, OK Dead SHOCKED when they sent me this letter in response...
Read on People, Read on....
dear ms.
thank You for contacting our company, We appreciate your interest in our products and have enclosed a coupon so you can enjoy Silk Soymilk for yourself.
Because of limited supplies, we are only able to send one consumer coupon per household per year.
As always, the best source for product coupons is your local newspaper, weekly grocery flyers and periodically our brand web site offer promotional consumer coupons.
The marketing and Research & Development teams at WhiteWave Foods are continually reviewing our flavor, packaging, and advertising offerings. At any given time, new concept are being developed and tested by consumer focus groups.
Thanks again for your interest in our company.
Jennifer Kesler
Consumer Response Representative
Ref: N812721
The coupon that they sent me was just one for a DOLLAR savings...$1.00
ONE DOLLAR...That is IT ...In ONE Year...On My Freaky Crabs!!!
soo i started a look into other companies who carry soy milk in vanilla or chocolate I found several but, what the catch was how much sodium & fat was contained per serving which can out to be more then the Silk soy company.
Or more so the brands else that I do like my local stores dont carry more of it even after numerous request for them to do so...
I did how ever find the Winn-Dixie brand to be not so bad in the ingredients label the only thing is we only have one located 30 mins away from us...which is sorta a drive when it's not in the 2 mile radius I'm used to driving...Though they do not offer coupons for their soy they do have they extra reward card & I do tend to save that way cause it's their own name brand product...
Sooo that is my new milk delima of the moment...
I have always tried to email companies that we enjoy their product with positive feed back rather then negative which most companies get then the good....& most of the times I get some really awesome coupons in saving in return...My sales paper since good old Katrina isn't as good as it once was...we used to have BOOMING coupons esp in food Now it's more less bath or kitchen cleaning items...not to much for Food...
But, then again my mother always told me if you want something don't give up on getting it well that is what i will do...NOT give up on this endless search for coupons on saving a lil extra on the soy milk that my family consumes in a 3 month time frame.
you don't even wanna know my delima on organic whole milk...
If you have read my last post (some what back on organic milk problems) then you will know what I'm up against on that too...But their are many more options on what brands I can get...just need to travel out my 5 mile radius to purchase them.
But if you come to think of it...spending the extra mile isn't bad for the extra good health & well being of my family!!!
DID you hear what
they want to spray on our
fresh lettuce & spinach??????
DID you hear what
they want to spray on our
fresh lettuce & spinach??????
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