Allow the sugar syrup to cool for approximately 10 minutes off the heat. Place a large-mouthed funnel over the top of the jar.

Carefully pour the hot syrup into the jar through the funnel

Carefully lower the sugared skewer or string until it hangs about 1 inch from the bottom and fasten at the top with clothespins or balanced from a pencil. Do not let the end of the skewer or string come too close to the bottom or sides of the jar, or else the rock candy will grow into the sides of the jar. Carefully place your jar in a cool place, away from harsh lights, where it can sit undisturbed. Cover the top loosely with plastic wrap or paper towel. You should start to see sugar crystals forming within 4-6 hours. If you have seen no change to your skewer or thread after 24 hours, try boiling the sugar syrup again and dissolve another cup of sugar into it, then pour it back into the jar and insert the string or skewer again.

Allow the rock candy to grow until it is the size you want. This process will take up to a week, depending on how large you want your rock candy. Don’t let it grow too large, otherwise it might start growing into the sides of your jar! Once it has reached the size you want, remove it and allow it to dry for a few minutes, then enjoy or wrap in plastic wrap to save it for later.
**Dog Note-We wrapped ours in clear candy wrappers & used colored twist ties to hold wrapped secure on stick.**
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