Sunday, June 29, 2008
The Laundry
Oh my god my worse fears!!
I admit I hate to FOLD clothes
BUT, some of us have to do it everyday
just to make sure our family is NOT naked!!
Ok here we go with what I found!!!
Sorting: If we have to sort the dirty clothes it may take longer to put a load in the washer. We might decide not to do it at all. Try this: have three baskets in the closet or wherever you keep dirty clothes. One for whites, colored, and one for good clothes that you don't want to wash with the other things. As you undress, place the dirty clothes in the proper basket. Then hang up the items that can be worn again. The "Do It Now Principle" kicks in. Even little children can be taught this!
Washing: Only do a load if you have time to do everything:
wash, dry, fold, and put away.
Drying: Always take the clothes out of the dryer the minute you hear the buzzer.
This saves you from ironing. If you have washed blankets &
over-sized towels (beach sized)
place them out side on top of your truck hood,
or over chairs on patio, or on a clothes line
(which I do not have-Truck works fine for me)
Let nature dry them out. Save on energy & money!!!
Toss in dryer with a dryer smell good sheet for a quick fluff for 10 mins.
Folding: Fold up the clothes as soon as you get them from the dryer.
This way you can 1/2 the time skip ironing-
Plus ultimate the piles that will sit & sit on the sofa till when ever u get to it!!
Putting the clothes away: No one likes to live out of a laundry basket.
Have a place for everything.
Even if you have to label the drawers for a while until
you get used to putting them in their own place.
Make the children help (if you don't have kids I have a few you can borrow)
Oh my god my worse fears!!
I admit I hate to FOLD clothes
BUT, some of us have to do it everyday
just to make sure our family is NOT naked!!
Ok here we go with what I found!!!
Sorting: If we have to sort the dirty clothes it may take longer to put a load in the washer. We might decide not to do it at all. Try this: have three baskets in the closet or wherever you keep dirty clothes. One for whites, colored, and one for good clothes that you don't want to wash with the other things. As you undress, place the dirty clothes in the proper basket. Then hang up the items that can be worn again. The "Do It Now Principle" kicks in. Even little children can be taught this!
Washing: Only do a load if you have time to do everything:
wash, dry, fold, and put away.
Drying: Always take the clothes out of the dryer the minute you hear the buzzer.
This saves you from ironing. If you have washed blankets &
over-sized towels (beach sized)
place them out side on top of your truck hood,
or over chairs on patio, or on a clothes line
(which I do not have-Truck works fine for me)
Let nature dry them out. Save on energy & money!!!
Toss in dryer with a dryer smell good sheet for a quick fluff for 10 mins.
Folding: Fold up the clothes as soon as you get them from the dryer.
This way you can 1/2 the time skip ironing-
Plus ultimate the piles that will sit & sit on the sofa till when ever u get to it!!
Putting the clothes away: No one likes to live out of a laundry basket.
Have a place for everything.
Even if you have to label the drawers for a while until
you get used to putting them in their own place.
Make the children help (if you don't have kids I have a few you can borrow)
Posted by
Moon Dog Star
Let's Clean That Kitchen
(ohh gess Need to take my own advise here-
So, let's do this together
My kitchen is measured at 10X10
I have only 5X5 to work with though
cabinets & counter take up the first half of 10
& my over sized refrigerator & freezer takes up the other half of 10))
WE will De-Clutter this space.
Get it back to what it is used for...
1st thing have your garbage can empty for we will fill it up.
Have a empty Box for storage & one for Donations
Start by throwing away JUNK
old dish rags, sponges, less then half empty never
gonna use dish liquid, old bottles with no use but
sitting under sink, empty boxes that once held garbage bags-
Next up on counter:
Toss out old half opened food packs.
If it is more then 3 days old-half opened half eaten
Trash It!!
If you have a over stock if pots & pans
IF you KNOW you will never use them
If you may use them Save Box!!
IF the pan or pot has major scrapes & cuts in the metal
TRASH it...this can get into your food & into your blood!!
Go through your cooking tools
How many large spoons do u need??
I say 4 of each with the variety in sizes
Spatula, ladle or large spoons, pitch forks, whisk, etc.
I try to keep the most used kitchen cooking tools at hand
My knives are in a Large Wooden made block
SAFE from children
I also keep a handy heavy duty scissors in kitchen as well.
If you are famous for having bowls with missing or not matching lids
Try to find them that match.
Once you have a matching set put to save box
Once kitchen is organized Place them together in a small plastic container
that will slide under your cabinets-remember handy storage Clean Area!
No matches THROW AWAY...cause if you don't use them now
they will just be in the way causing clutter in the long run.
On top of your counter
IF possible:
You can keep microwave, toaster oven, coffee pot,
chopping block & plate, toaster.
This all depends on the size of your kitchen.
IF you are like me & it's SMALL think of placing your toaster
& coffee pot when not in use on top of your freezer/refrigerator.
Which **gess I need to do here** should be clean at all times.
We keep a box of emergency medical supplies on top
In there I have Tylenol for all ages of people in my house
band-aids & antibiotic ointment, tweezers & nail clippers,
bendryl ointment & capsules.
I also keep flash lights & candles on top.
With a lighter or matches for use.
(u never know when your power will cut out
hurricane central here-always prepared!!)
Under your kitchen sink: you can store your cleaning products.
I prefer to have mines on the windows ledge...this way it's easy to find
& well, I'm to busy half the time to dig for what I need....
After a few small breaks 15 mins tops!
Take your time-don't over work yourself
in DE-cluttering...It's didn't take one hour
to get this way-it won't get cleaned that fast either!!
Well rested-OK-Back to work!!!
Your headed to the pantry
Hit all cabinets as well that store food
What you haven't used in over 3 months that is NOT expired
Donate....IF it is expired TRASH
If your shelves are deep & you always manage
to loose chip half open bags & what not
get yourself some small bins. This will help
you stay more managed & organized.
Once you have tossed out what is NOT used to either
donations or trash bag. Now hit that Refrigerator & Freezer.
Clean out OLD food. EXPIRED sauces & dressings.
Frost Bitten freezer foods are trashed too.
Old ice creams (lol not here-as if waste ice cream ya nuts)
Older then 6 months to esp a Year on foods in freezer.
Most things now have a expired date
Be wise it's there for a reason-
NOW you have made Much Progress...
Donate box to trunk, trash out on curb side,
& to save out in shed.
Now u can sit back relax with hot tea or
my favorite fresh sweet iced tea.
(ohh gess Need to take my own advise here-
So, let's do this together
My kitchen is measured at 10X10
I have only 5X5 to work with though
cabinets & counter take up the first half of 10
& my over sized refrigerator & freezer takes up the other half of 10))
WE will De-Clutter this space.
Get it back to what it is used for...
1st thing have your garbage can empty for we will fill it up.
Have a empty Box for storage & one for Donations
Start by throwing away JUNK
old dish rags, sponges, less then half empty never
gonna use dish liquid, old bottles with no use but
sitting under sink, empty boxes that once held garbage bags-
Next up on counter:
Toss out old half opened food packs.
If it is more then 3 days old-half opened half eaten
Trash It!!
If you have a over stock if pots & pans
IF you KNOW you will never use them
If you may use them Save Box!!
IF the pan or pot has major scrapes & cuts in the metal
TRASH it...this can get into your food & into your blood!!
Go through your cooking tools
How many large spoons do u need??
I say 4 of each with the variety in sizes
Spatula, ladle or large spoons, pitch forks, whisk, etc.
I try to keep the most used kitchen cooking tools at hand
My knives are in a Large Wooden made block
SAFE from children
I also keep a handy heavy duty scissors in kitchen as well.
If you are famous for having bowls with missing or not matching lids
Try to find them that match.
Once you have a matching set put to save box
Once kitchen is organized Place them together in a small plastic container
that will slide under your cabinets-remember handy storage Clean Area!
No matches THROW AWAY...cause if you don't use them now
they will just be in the way causing clutter in the long run.
On top of your counter
IF possible:
You can keep microwave, toaster oven, coffee pot,
chopping block & plate, toaster.
This all depends on the size of your kitchen.
IF you are like me & it's SMALL think of placing your toaster
& coffee pot when not in use on top of your freezer/refrigerator.
Which **gess I need to do here** should be clean at all times.
We keep a box of emergency medical supplies on top
In there I have Tylenol for all ages of people in my house
band-aids & antibiotic ointment, tweezers & nail clippers,
bendryl ointment & capsules.
I also keep flash lights & candles on top.
With a lighter or matches for use.
(u never know when your power will cut out
hurricane central here-always prepared!!)
Under your kitchen sink: you can store your cleaning products.
I prefer to have mines on the windows ledge...this way it's easy to find
& well, I'm to busy half the time to dig for what I need....
After a few small breaks 15 mins tops!
Take your time-don't over work yourself
in DE-cluttering...It's didn't take one hour
to get this way-it won't get cleaned that fast either!!
Well rested-OK-Back to work!!!
Your headed to the pantry
Hit all cabinets as well that store food
What you haven't used in over 3 months that is NOT expired
Donate....IF it is expired TRASH
If your shelves are deep & you always manage
to loose chip half open bags & what not
get yourself some small bins. This will help
you stay more managed & organized.
Once you have tossed out what is NOT used to either
donations or trash bag. Now hit that Refrigerator & Freezer.
Clean out OLD food. EXPIRED sauces & dressings.
Frost Bitten freezer foods are trashed too.
Old ice creams (lol not here-as if waste ice cream ya nuts)
Older then 6 months to esp a Year on foods in freezer.
Most things now have a expired date
Be wise it's there for a reason-
NOW you have made Much Progress...
Donate box to trunk, trash out on curb side,
& to save out in shed.
Now u can sit back relax with hot tea or
my favorite fresh sweet iced tea.
Posted by
Moon Dog Star
One this day You will do something special for you & those who live with you.
Grab a black garbage bag Start at your front door
& work you way through your home.
The idea is to fill up your bag with 30 UN-NEED CLUTTER items.
Don't go through the home & have ONLY 15 items...
BIG NO NO...You know you have 30 JUNK items there...
Toss out what you don't need.
Old magazines, loose scribbled on paper,
half empty never gonna use shampoo, half broken toys,
toys from Fast Food PLACES!! etc....
Once you have your JUNK...take it out to the trash.
Next step (after you take a good breather) Grab a box
Go through your home same way-
front door to back last bathroom
& LOAD up 30 Items YOU no longer use or want.
This is the DONATION stage.
Remember this...
No food that is perishable,
No undergarments,
Or Open personal Items!!!
IF you have two of the same things.
But, no use for the 2nd item
Old picture frames with no pictures inside
Old Mix Match bed sets (pillow cases, sheets, blankets)
Do Not donate Pillows themselves...That is a garbage thing!
For bed mites are not to be shared-Eww GROSS!!
Silk flowers
Your Home is not a Cemetery (no pun in tented)
Posters that the children don't want
& is stuck in a closet
Once you have managed to collect 30 items at LEAST
Close the box-secure it with masking tape
take it out to your trunk for donation to local drive or church.
Your Trash is some one else's Treasure!!!
NOW grab a rubber maid tub.
We are going to go through your house just as before
30 items at least of things you want to keep
but, DO NOT need out & about.
Yes of course your home is your self expression
but, come'on-Cluttered down with your nick nacks
is not expression we like to send out to our children & family.
WE can do better!!
We'll pack it up & label it so we may find it again for later use.
& for god sakes-It's not Christmas Take down the lights...
Don't be lazy & keep them up all year long
cause well it's easier then up & down Up & down
Pack up what decorations are UN-Necessary for the season!!!
If you have a collection of any sorts..
Mines is Disney's Nightmare Before Christmas,
anything Star Wars, & Witch Wizard Hats & sorts,
Any type of Coffee/Tea mugs,cups & Pots.
I had my handy husband make me shelves
we bought some cute L brackets
Up the shelves went on my walls of my office.
My collection items placed up for all to enjoy!!!
& yet opened up lots of space in my living room
where they lived before.
If you have collectibles or special treasures
that you don't have room for or is just taken up
much needed important room
Pack it Up...You can always come back for it later
when you do a redesign of your area.
**I do this once every 6 months to a year**
It's not gone forever...
Just stored away for the time being!!!!
Now don't you feel better!!
I do...De-Cluttered...
Ahhh what a great feeling!!
Grab a black garbage bag Start at your front door
& work you way through your home.
The idea is to fill up your bag with 30 UN-NEED CLUTTER items.
Don't go through the home & have ONLY 15 items...
BIG NO NO...You know you have 30 JUNK items there...
Toss out what you don't need.
Old magazines, loose scribbled on paper,
half empty never gonna use shampoo, half broken toys,
toys from Fast Food PLACES!! etc....
Once you have your JUNK...take it out to the trash.
Next step (after you take a good breather) Grab a box
Go through your home same way-
front door to back last bathroom
& LOAD up 30 Items YOU no longer use or want.
This is the DONATION stage.
Remember this...
No food that is perishable,
No undergarments,
Or Open personal Items!!!
IF you have two of the same things.
But, no use for the 2nd item
Old picture frames with no pictures inside
Old Mix Match bed sets (pillow cases, sheets, blankets)
Do Not donate Pillows themselves...That is a garbage thing!
For bed mites are not to be shared-Eww GROSS!!
Silk flowers
Your Home is not a Cemetery (no pun in tented)
Posters that the children don't want
& is stuck in a closet
Once you have managed to collect 30 items at LEAST
Close the box-secure it with masking tape
take it out to your trunk for donation to local drive or church.
Your Trash is some one else's Treasure!!!
NOW grab a rubber maid tub.
We are going to go through your house just as before
30 items at least of things you want to keep
but, DO NOT need out & about.
Yes of course your home is your self expression
but, come'on-Cluttered down with your nick nacks
is not expression we like to send out to our children & family.
WE can do better!!
We'll pack it up & label it so we may find it again for later use.
& for god sakes-It's not Christmas Take down the lights...
Don't be lazy & keep them up all year long
cause well it's easier then up & down Up & down
Pack up what decorations are UN-Necessary for the season!!!
If you have a collection of any sorts..
Mines is Disney's Nightmare Before Christmas,
anything Star Wars, & Witch Wizard Hats & sorts,
Any type of Coffee/Tea mugs,cups & Pots.
I had my handy husband make me shelves
we bought some cute L brackets
Up the shelves went on my walls of my office.
My collection items placed up for all to enjoy!!!
& yet opened up lots of space in my living room
where they lived before.
If you have collectibles or special treasures
that you don't have room for or is just taken up
much needed important room
Pack it Up...You can always come back for it later
when you do a redesign of your area.
**I do this once every 6 months to a year**
It's not gone forever...
Just stored away for the time being!!!!
Now don't you feel better!!
I do...De-Cluttered...
Ahhh what a great feeling!!
Posted by
Moon Dog Star
Use a good disinfectant, a rag, & good ol' fashion rubbin'
I LOVE the old Lysol comes in a brownish bottle!!
& also I used for a top shine Comet!!
Can't Go Wrong CLEAN!!
Remember HOT water is your Disinfected Friend!!!
After you do this; you will keep it shiny by drying it out after each time you use it and making sure when you go to bed that it is shining so it will make you smile in the morning. That shiny sink is a reflection of the love that you have for yourself.
It's all about establishing little habits that string together into simple routines to help your day run on automatic pilot.
Posted by
Moon Dog Star
Day By Day
Here I will list a Day By Day way to
De-clutter Your House & Life...
These are not 100% my own ideas.
I have searched the web & have come up with
a few from here & there & everywhere
Hopefully this steps will help you as well as
I am trying these every day.
I complain I need a bigger home.
& YES with 5 of us in 1800 sq ft It is a tight fit but,
I have clean down clothes, & extra un-used furnitures.
Now to do more...
Let's get started-
(these will be a day by day list.
DO NOT do 2 days of work in 1-
This is also CHEAP therapy...DAY BY DAY...
Read on....
De-clutter Your House & Life...
These are not 100% my own ideas.
I have searched the web & have come up with
a few from here & there & everywhere
Hopefully this steps will help you as well as
I am trying these every day.
I complain I need a bigger home.
& YES with 5 of us in 1800 sq ft It is a tight fit but,
I have clean down clothes, & extra un-used furnitures.
Now to do more...
Let's get started-
(these will be a day by day list.
DO NOT do 2 days of work in 1-
This is also CHEAP therapy...DAY BY DAY...
Read on....
Posted by
Moon Dog Star
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Did You Know...?
A good friend of mines posted some Helpful Ways
to save on different items we buy for everyday use-
Go by her Blog & give it a check out....
Sherry's Ramblings
Topic called:Did You Know?
They have a good few ideas to help in the kitchen & with food
link in My Friends Section to the right---->>
to save on different items we buy for everyday use-
Go by her Blog & give it a check out....
Sherry's Ramblings
Topic called:Did You Know?
They have a good few ideas to help in the kitchen & with food
link in My Friends Section to the right---->>
Posted by
Moon Dog Star
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
candle coupon
print coupon from link only!!!
save $10 off your next in store purchase ONLY of $35 or more
Ends June 29th, this Sunday

save $10 off your next in store purchase ONLY of $35 or more
Ends June 29th, this Sunday
Posted by
Moon Dog Star
Contest-Children's Clothes

Enter to Win
Gerber Childrenswear is always having new and
exciting promotions and offering great prizes.
Don't miss out, enter our latest promotion today!
You Must Register as a Member 1st-
Then enter contest & After wards GO Pick up your
Extra savings in Coupons!!!
Posted by
Moon Dog Star
Monday, June 23, 2008
Sweet Section
Sweet Section-I thought I'd share my new profound love for sweets!!!
ok we all know most women can not help themselves for chocolate!!
well, neither can this one-but there are other sweets out there that make me layer on the chunk-one of my all time favorites are called "petit fours"
these are small cakes covered in a cooked-fondant like icing. when done properly they are amazing delicious!! imagine for a min. light fluffy almond flavored cake covered completely in a slight lemon tasting sugared icing. ohh yeahh that is goooooood!!!! It takes only 2 bites to completely eat it all. It is that small. About 1 & half inches thick & squared!!
Here is a link to the BEST EVER ones...This Co has mastered the art of making petit fours & luckily we can buy them over the Internet instead of traveling way out to New Orleans for them...Also check out their one of a kind ONLY found their special cake...It's the best ever-if anyone else does it-they are copy cats...this co. is the original to hold it...Doberge Cakes I have eaten the chocolate one before...How amazing tasteful...very bite is pure sin!!! I would love to try the caramel one of these days...I'll let ya know how it taste as well...
With all this new found interest in cakes & sweets as a whole I may spark up a contest from it as soon as we can get pass these very hot days of summer....Hurricane Days I like to call them...BLAA the worse part of living in the South.... Stay tuned-More from my kitchen of what challenges of sweets I may concur!!
ok we all know most women can not help themselves for chocolate!!
well, neither can this one-but there are other sweets out there that make me layer on the chunk-one of my all time favorites are called "petit fours"
these are small cakes covered in a cooked-fondant like icing. when done properly they are amazing delicious!! imagine for a min. light fluffy almond flavored cake covered completely in a slight lemon tasting sugared icing. ohh yeahh that is goooooood!!!! It takes only 2 bites to completely eat it all. It is that small. About 1 & half inches thick & squared!!
Here is a link to the BEST EVER ones...This Co has mastered the art of making petit fours & luckily we can buy them over the Internet instead of traveling way out to New Orleans for them...Also check out their one of a kind ONLY found their special cake...It's the best ever-if anyone else does it-they are copy cats...this co. is the original to hold it...Doberge Cakes I have eaten the chocolate one before...How amazing tasteful...very bite is pure sin!!! I would love to try the caramel one of these days...I'll let ya know how it taste as well...
With all this new found interest in cakes & sweets as a whole I may spark up a contest from it as soon as we can get pass these very hot days of summer....Hurricane Days I like to call them...BLAA the worse part of living in the South.... Stay tuned-More from my kitchen of what challenges of sweets I may concur!!
Posted by
Moon Dog Star
MoonDog Max or "Juicy"
he is my youngest of all the 3 dogs...
nick name Juicy was due to a visit to Mid-Miss...
where one lady was just to honest to state very loudly that
"Max" was the JUICIEST baby she had ever seen in her life!!!
ok yeah he is a lil chunky but what would you expect from a Cajun breed baby!
SKINNY??? LMAO I do not think so...
He is so chunky You just want to kiss him & eat him all up!!
soo Juicy it is!! & poor thing he laughs when u call him that-
Heck he responds to it's his calling!
Juicy will be turning the very young age of 1 year old on the 30th of June!!
He can do a elephant walk - crawl & when he really wants to show off he walks
with out holding on to anything-He wobbles his chunky body forward & gets going
It is too cute-I think when any child that young does the 1st few steps...
& when he does-there is clapping involved after...the boy loves to clap his hands with joy
He has manged to grow several teeth in the last 3 months or so...
(sorry I don't keep baby journals-I do NOT have time for that)
He has 3 on bottom center, 4 on top from center & also one came in on top far back left side
like a moller -kinda strange I think -a bit young for his age- BUT when you are determined to eat mom's gumbos, freak a' says, fettchines, red beans & rice, crawfish-shrimp & anything else mom concocts up to eat You will grow as many teeth as need be...Now that my blaa blaa blog friends is a TRUE CAJUN BE'BE'
Recently Juicy has learned to how to get the attention he wants from his older brothers...
The dogs are always doing something-together
fighting, fussing, naggin', actually beings kind & lovin' & of course train building & playing
Juicy wants in on the fun so he learned on his own how to get their attention...
He makes these very weird barkin'/growlin'/gaggin' sounds...
He does them LOUD & also very low toned...
of course that makes the brothers laugh with no end!!
The faces are always the same though-only his mouth moves!
straight faced looks like what would be so funny that y'all are laughing like hyenas...
but, it works...he makes these weird sounds & the brothers are instantly into him & what he has to say next!! He has the perfect timing on them to-when it is quite in the truck & someone is about to pass out sleeping He gets all cranked up & the sounds start-Of course who ever thought of nappin' gets a rude awaking...& then the kacking like lil old ladies start along with the weird moon dog sounds!! It is funny to say the least & entertainment all rolled into one-
Who said road trips were boring didn't have my dogs with them along for the ride!!
Juicy is also a fund lover for jumping....
It started off like a bouncing when he was able to sit up by himself-
esp with happy or excited he would bounce-
then he came to jumping-in his crib he jumps & jumps & jumps
it is soooo cute....I tell him "jump juicy jump" & my gosh hold on cause he is...
he gets going so well that he will move his crib straight to the wall-
when he is done the clappin' begins....
so proud of himself that everything needs a good clappin'
He used to be a bed only jumper NOW when he has his land legs on the floor he gets jumping there too-that is how we know even with his serious face he is a Happy Dog!! ((beings he has no tail))
This week I'm "going to try" to make his birthday cakes...
We will have one GIANT cupcake for him to dig in
& I will make also 3 layer stack cakes...
This is my 1st attempt at making cakes for such a special occasion-
I have never taken classes but it does strike me to learn
for I LOVE LOVE LOVE to cook-& i do the baking ever so often as well
I thought it would be fun to learn more...
i wish though i would have had the time to go learn more about the decorating of cakes from a bakery-but, i didn't...maybe one day i will though...we have a few in town here that I know the people well enough-I think they wouldn't mind me joining in for a little cake fun...Heck any chance of being in a kitchen/galley that is bigger then my little ol' 10X10 would be nice experience!!!
I have thought over & over & made recipes on cakes & decorating ideas...
But it seems that I will be wingin' it...
for I didn't get the practice like I would have wanted before this week-
so high wing it will be...I cross my toes that it comes together well...
If not-I'll just put the blame of the kids...for they distracted me...LOL-JJ
I also want to make for him special petite fours
((read more on those tiny cakes in Sweet Section))
But, we shall see....
Either way i know juicy will be happy with which ever-
He is Cajun be'be' who LOVES to eat...
More on him later...
he too is always up to no good-& makes my life
NOT so boring & dull!!
he is my youngest of all the 3 dogs...
nick name Juicy was due to a visit to Mid-Miss...
where one lady was just to honest to state very loudly that
"Max" was the JUICIEST baby she had ever seen in her life!!!
ok yeah he is a lil chunky but what would you expect from a Cajun breed baby!
SKINNY??? LMAO I do not think so...
He is so chunky You just want to kiss him & eat him all up!!
soo Juicy it is!! & poor thing he laughs when u call him that-
Heck he responds to it's his calling!
Juicy will be turning the very young age of 1 year old on the 30th of June!!
He can do a elephant walk - crawl & when he really wants to show off he walks
with out holding on to anything-He wobbles his chunky body forward & gets going
It is too cute-I think when any child that young does the 1st few steps...
& when he does-there is clapping involved after...the boy loves to clap his hands with joy
He has manged to grow several teeth in the last 3 months or so...
(sorry I don't keep baby journals-I do NOT have time for that)
He has 3 on bottom center, 4 on top from center & also one came in on top far back left side
like a moller -kinda strange I think -a bit young for his age- BUT when you are determined to eat mom's gumbos, freak a' says, fettchines, red beans & rice, crawfish-shrimp & anything else mom concocts up to eat You will grow as many teeth as need be...Now that my blaa blaa blog friends is a TRUE CAJUN BE'BE'
Recently Juicy has learned to how to get the attention he wants from his older brothers...
The dogs are always doing something-together
fighting, fussing, naggin', actually beings kind & lovin' & of course train building & playing
Juicy wants in on the fun so he learned on his own how to get their attention...
He makes these very weird barkin'/growlin'/gaggin' sounds...
He does them LOUD & also very low toned...
of course that makes the brothers laugh with no end!!
The faces are always the same though-only his mouth moves!
straight faced looks like what would be so funny that y'all are laughing like hyenas...
but, it works...he makes these weird sounds & the brothers are instantly into him & what he has to say next!! He has the perfect timing on them to-when it is quite in the truck & someone is about to pass out sleeping He gets all cranked up & the sounds start-Of course who ever thought of nappin' gets a rude awaking...& then the kacking like lil old ladies start along with the weird moon dog sounds!! It is funny to say the least & entertainment all rolled into one-
Who said road trips were boring didn't have my dogs with them along for the ride!!
Juicy is also a fund lover for jumping....
It started off like a bouncing when he was able to sit up by himself-
esp with happy or excited he would bounce-
then he came to jumping-in his crib he jumps & jumps & jumps
it is soooo cute....I tell him "jump juicy jump" & my gosh hold on cause he is...
he gets going so well that he will move his crib straight to the wall-
when he is done the clappin' begins....
so proud of himself that everything needs a good clappin'
He used to be a bed only jumper NOW when he has his land legs on the floor he gets jumping there too-that is how we know even with his serious face he is a Happy Dog!! ((beings he has no tail))
This week I'm "going to try" to make his birthday cakes...
We will have one GIANT cupcake for him to dig in
& I will make also 3 layer stack cakes...
This is my 1st attempt at making cakes for such a special occasion-
I have never taken classes but it does strike me to learn
for I LOVE LOVE LOVE to cook-& i do the baking ever so often as well
I thought it would be fun to learn more...
i wish though i would have had the time to go learn more about the decorating of cakes from a bakery-but, i didn't...maybe one day i will though...we have a few in town here that I know the people well enough-I think they wouldn't mind me joining in for a little cake fun...Heck any chance of being in a kitchen/galley that is bigger then my little ol' 10X10 would be nice experience!!!
I have thought over & over & made recipes on cakes & decorating ideas...
But it seems that I will be wingin' it...
for I didn't get the practice like I would have wanted before this week-
so high wing it will be...I cross my toes that it comes together well...
If not-I'll just put the blame of the kids...for they distracted me...LOL-JJ
I also want to make for him special petite fours
((read more on those tiny cakes in Sweet Section))
But, we shall see....
Either way i know juicy will be happy with which ever-
He is Cajun be'be' who LOVES to eat...
More on him later...
he too is always up to no good-& makes my life
NOT so boring & dull!!
Posted by
Moon Dog Star
Sunday-END, Day of Rest
Today I have to admit wasn't that bad...
Nothing majorly weird happened-
No out of the world sayings rolled off the lips of either child-
Oh take that back...
You see the dogs stayed at my parents yesterday
& also last night-Well...Moon Dog Spot....He is my 3 year old
mind of his own & NO reason to think before he speaks!! VERY FREE Spirit!!!
My mother's cousin came by for a visit today.
Spot took it upon him self to let her know she has a TINY car...
(Mind you it is a regular 4 door car)
As he was looking over her car like he has never seen one before-
He made his way to the back end of it (the trunk) looked down ward
& clearly stated " YOU do not have a thingy to pull a BOAT!!"
of course Spot-the cutie pootie that he is...He was just stunted!
We here all have Trucks-Even in I have a TRUCK truck-
not a SUV or mini (ugh) van, no cars!
That had to be what was the funnest comment of the day!
We decided to venture out onto the roads today The dogs & I
We been couped up in the house for a few days-
We went ride by where I knew of a few houses for sale that was still
in our parish (yes here is Louisiana we have Parishes Not County)
I really don't want to switch Parishes for MoonDog Rex is in the school system
He will be doing to 3rd Grade this year-I really wouldn't want to switch school BUT, it isn't looking to hott for a house in our area-Mind ya there are a few BUT, in the south everything cost the arm leg & 1st born child...To get something that means anything for ME to pick up & move the cost is well over $350,000.xx Wow Wow Whatt-I know...Crazy!!
Mind ya I found one just across the bayou from where we are now
(bayou lafourche-Large body of water
(like almost a mini river-runs North & South, the Roads 2 way runs West & East)
But, the owners are requesting for a pre-approval loan paper-with out is NO ONE can see the home (just a drive by-that is what we did anyways) i understand it is to keep the riff raff out & without wasting their time also on buyers who aren't fully able to purchase the home but, gess that is all before a question of wheeling & dealing on the price...With out a doubt this home would fit us nicely in & also have room for just trains!!!
Yea you read that right-my DOGS LOVE TRAINS!!!!
anything from the 25c gumball machine ones to the ones that i will not buy a child under 18 years old...LOL They love them ALL esp Rex-that is his Passion....
So, the search is still on...
same parish different towns over-
I wasn't impressed with what I saw for sale...
some of the homes were nice sized but where in the heck are the yards??
Come on here I need yard for my dogs to roam, mark their spots you know!
Well, we may travel a little more north same parish for homes next week...
May-is the strong statement here...north is a small/medium sized College Town!
But, they do have a nice mix of old town & history & cajun ways meets New World...
& more so they speak & sound just as we do here in the southern part of Laf. Parish
that to me is a BIG bonus!! I love our mixed tongue of cajun french/ english speaking...
I know I can not make a full sentence with only english words!! somewhere there will be cajun in there...of course typing it I learned to adjust-Took a long time but, Unless you cajun You wouldn't have a clue what the heck I'm talking about!!
Nothing majorly weird happened-
No out of the world sayings rolled off the lips of either child-
Oh take that back...
You see the dogs stayed at my parents yesterday
& also last night-Well...Moon Dog Spot....He is my 3 year old
mind of his own & NO reason to think before he speaks!! VERY FREE Spirit!!!
My mother's cousin came by for a visit today.
Spot took it upon him self to let her know she has a TINY car...
(Mind you it is a regular 4 door car)
As he was looking over her car like he has never seen one before-
He made his way to the back end of it (the trunk) looked down ward
& clearly stated " YOU do not have a thingy to pull a BOAT!!"
of course Spot-the cutie pootie that he is...He was just stunted!
We here all have Trucks-Even in I have a TRUCK truck-
not a SUV or mini (ugh) van, no cars!
That had to be what was the funnest comment of the day!
We decided to venture out onto the roads today The dogs & I
We been couped up in the house for a few days-
We went ride by where I knew of a few houses for sale that was still
in our parish (yes here is Louisiana we have Parishes Not County)
I really don't want to switch Parishes for MoonDog Rex is in the school system
He will be doing to 3rd Grade this year-I really wouldn't want to switch school BUT, it isn't looking to hott for a house in our area-Mind ya there are a few BUT, in the south everything cost the arm leg & 1st born child...To get something that means anything for ME to pick up & move the cost is well over $350,000.xx Wow Wow Whatt-I know...Crazy!!
Mind ya I found one just across the bayou from where we are now
(bayou lafourche-Large body of water
(like almost a mini river-runs North & South, the Roads 2 way runs West & East)
But, the owners are requesting for a pre-approval loan paper-with out is NO ONE can see the home (just a drive by-that is what we did anyways) i understand it is to keep the riff raff out & without wasting their time also on buyers who aren't fully able to purchase the home but, gess that is all before a question of wheeling & dealing on the price...With out a doubt this home would fit us nicely in & also have room for just trains!!!
Yea you read that right-my DOGS LOVE TRAINS!!!!
anything from the 25c gumball machine ones to the ones that i will not buy a child under 18 years old...LOL They love them ALL esp Rex-that is his Passion....
So, the search is still on...
same parish different towns over-
I wasn't impressed with what I saw for sale...
some of the homes were nice sized but where in the heck are the yards??
Come on here I need yard for my dogs to roam, mark their spots you know!
Well, we may travel a little more north same parish for homes next week...
May-is the strong statement here...north is a small/medium sized College Town!
But, they do have a nice mix of old town & history & cajun ways meets New World...
& more so they speak & sound just as we do here in the southern part of Laf. Parish
that to me is a BIG bonus!! I love our mixed tongue of cajun french/ english speaking...
I know I can not make a full sentence with only english words!! somewhere there will be cajun in there...of course typing it I learned to adjust-Took a long time but, Unless you cajun You wouldn't have a clue what the heck I'm talking about!!
Posted by
Moon Dog Star
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Sunday-Day of Rest
I'm sorry I been away-(to whom ever reads my Blaa Blaa Blog))
My keyboard quit on me & I didn't know why...
Lost & confused I started by changing out batteries, then repluging the port & what nots Then Like a gift from above WOW it works again...I been messing with this for a few days-Hopefully next time it happens I will have a fair warning!
What a mess when the real thing don't work & you have to use the On-Screen Keyboard
That is more stressful then my children on "Dog Juice".
This evening I will play catch up on what was missed-
What my dogs have been up to-
& What I have been doing as well...
Now to hit the roads in search of the "all most" perfect home to raise my guys!
Have a wonderful Sunday-The Day OF Rest...
What ever MAN quoted that saying didn't have 3 young children!!
My keyboard quit on me & I didn't know why...
Lost & confused I started by changing out batteries, then repluging the port & what nots Then Like a gift from above WOW it works again...I been messing with this for a few days-Hopefully next time it happens I will have a fair warning!
What a mess when the real thing don't work & you have to use the On-Screen Keyboard
That is more stressful then my children on "Dog Juice".
This evening I will play catch up on what was missed-
What my dogs have been up to-
& What I have been doing as well...
Now to hit the roads in search of the "all most" perfect home to raise my guys!
Have a wonderful Sunday-The Day OF Rest...
What ever MAN quoted that saying didn't have 3 young children!!
Posted by
Moon Dog Star
Friday, June 20, 2008 Games Online
I love to play Pogo™ Addiction Solitaire Pogo™ Addiction Solitaire is a quick and easy online solitaire game filled with power-ups and bonus token payouts. |
Posted by
Moon Dog Star Games Online
I love to play Golf Solitaire Play solitaire against your friends in this game of streak-building and Hazard busting! Cleats optional! |
Posted by
Moon Dog Star
Thursday, June 19, 2008
The Adventures in The Cajun Moon Dogs
I will post at the end of the days what it was like for me
as a Cajun momma to raise my never dull moment Moon Dogs....
We always have adventures small or grand-
Even on the days we never leave the inside of our home!!!
I'll even share with y'all the ever so cute &
not so cute things that manage to fall from my sons lips.
The Adventures in The Cajun Moon Dogs......
as a Cajun momma to raise my never dull moment Moon Dogs....
We always have adventures small or grand-
Even on the days we never leave the inside of our home!!!
I'll even share with y'all the ever so cute &
not so cute things that manage to fall from my sons lips.
The Adventures in The Cajun Moon Dogs......
Posted by
Moon Dog Star
One Banana, Two Banana...
One Banana, Two Banana...
Four simple games that will turn your next trip to the grocery store into an adventure in math.
For my children, numbers games still help counteract the boredom that can set
in when I am too busy to entertain them. When we're at the grocery store, for
instance, I like to have not just a shopping list in hand but also an array of activities
in mind to challenge the kid's counting and sorting skills.
That way, I'm prepared for anything — including a cheese department that's not handing out samples.
1. Scavenger Shop
This classic game usually involves kids hunting for items in the house or the neighborhood,
but they also can do it in the market. To avoid having to go on a hunt yourself,
limit the scavenger game to the aisle or department you're in, or ask your child to
search only the shelves right next to your cart. When you turn the corner into the
cereal aisle, challenge your child to find Dad's favorite brand, then maybe
two cereals with pictures of raisins on the box. Each aisle is a new hunting ground.
Questions to ask: How many sizes of canned tomatoes are there?
Can you find five colors of yogurt containers?
2. Weight Training
The scale in the produce department may be the best tool in the
store for learning and fun. Let your child help you weigh items,
especially when you're buying various types of produce.
My youngest used to enjoy simply watching the arm on the scale
move with each added piece. Toddlers and preschoolers can count
the items as you place them on the scale and note how much they weigh.
Questions to ask: Why do three apples weigh less than two cantaloupes?
Which will weigh more, four apples or four oranges?
"The oranges are bigger but they aren't as heavy,"
explained my neighbor's daughter during a shopping trip.
3-2-1 Countdown
Kids can practice counting backward as well as forward by using your shopping list —
even if they're nowhere near the reading stage. If you write nice and big, and cross
off items as you toss them into your cart, a child can count the number of objects remaining on the list.
My daughter Bella also likes to figure out which is the store's center aisle.
We count the aisles, divide the total in half, then count again to the midpoint.
Bella gets to pick one item from that aisle as a treat.
Questions to ask: Are there more items in our shopping cart or more remaining on our list?
Which aisle will we end up in if we start in aisle 11 and move back three?
Conveying a Rule
When you're finished shopping and get to the checkout,
let your child help you put your groceries on the conveyor belt.
Sort items according to various rules you both make up.
You might start with color, putting the tomato, the strawberries,
the apple, and red paper plates together. The green sponge sits alongside
the broccoli and the green apple—scented dish detergent. With older kids,
move on to more challenging categorization, such as by shape, size, or edible versus inedible.
Questions to ask: What do the broccoli and sponge have in common?
How are they different in shape, size, and shade of green?
And why is that man with three items in his basket behind us in line fidgeting so impatiently?
Four simple games that will turn your next trip to the grocery store into an adventure in math.
For my children, numbers games still help counteract the boredom that can set
in when I am too busy to entertain them. When we're at the grocery store, for
instance, I like to have not just a shopping list in hand but also an array of activities
in mind to challenge the kid's counting and sorting skills.
That way, I'm prepared for anything — including a cheese department that's not handing out samples.
1. Scavenger Shop
This classic game usually involves kids hunting for items in the house or the neighborhood,
but they also can do it in the market. To avoid having to go on a hunt yourself,
limit the scavenger game to the aisle or department you're in, or ask your child to
search only the shelves right next to your cart. When you turn the corner into the
cereal aisle, challenge your child to find Dad's favorite brand, then maybe
two cereals with pictures of raisins on the box. Each aisle is a new hunting ground.
Questions to ask: How many sizes of canned tomatoes are there?
Can you find five colors of yogurt containers?
2. Weight Training
The scale in the produce department may be the best tool in the
store for learning and fun. Let your child help you weigh items,
especially when you're buying various types of produce.
My youngest used to enjoy simply watching the arm on the scale
move with each added piece. Toddlers and preschoolers can count
the items as you place them on the scale and note how much they weigh.
Questions to ask: Why do three apples weigh less than two cantaloupes?
Which will weigh more, four apples or four oranges?
"The oranges are bigger but they aren't as heavy,"
explained my neighbor's daughter during a shopping trip.
3-2-1 Countdown
Kids can practice counting backward as well as forward by using your shopping list —
even if they're nowhere near the reading stage. If you write nice and big, and cross
off items as you toss them into your cart, a child can count the number of objects remaining on the list.
My daughter Bella also likes to figure out which is the store's center aisle.
We count the aisles, divide the total in half, then count again to the midpoint.
Bella gets to pick one item from that aisle as a treat.
Questions to ask: Are there more items in our shopping cart or more remaining on our list?
Which aisle will we end up in if we start in aisle 11 and move back three?
Conveying a Rule
When you're finished shopping and get to the checkout,
let your child help you put your groceries on the conveyor belt.
Sort items according to various rules you both make up.
You might start with color, putting the tomato, the strawberries,
the apple, and red paper plates together. The green sponge sits alongside
the broccoli and the green apple—scented dish detergent. With older kids,
move on to more challenging categorization, such as by shape, size, or edible versus inedible.
Questions to ask: What do the broccoli and sponge have in common?
How are they different in shape, size, and shade of green?
And why is that man with three items in his basket behind us in line fidgeting so impatiently?
Posted by
Moon Dog Star
Helpers in Store
I found this article & thought that it would be perfect
to share with all of you-
I go to the store *in hopes of* once every 2 weeks-
when I do venture out there is a chance I will have
one if not all three of my boys-
with such a wide range on their ages & personalities
I tried many ways of getting them to help
that they won't get bored & Getty to jump buggies
& run wild all over the store...
I found this article years ago & since I thought why
not share it with y'all...
As I'm sure my *animals* kids aren't the only children
who want to explore the stores in a rage-
this has help our shopping experiences greatly & also
has managed to teach our 2 oldest sons how to identify color, sizes,
& shapes at the early levels of childhood-& by the older they got
it also helped with adding subtracting & measuring...
Alot of FUN learning goes further then the boring
note book learning...
next post read on......
to share with all of you-
I go to the store *in hopes of* once every 2 weeks-
when I do venture out there is a chance I will have
one if not all three of my boys-
with such a wide range on their ages & personalities
I tried many ways of getting them to help
that they won't get bored & Getty to jump buggies
& run wild all over the store...
I found this article years ago & since I thought why
not share it with y'all...
As I'm sure my *animals* kids aren't the only children
who want to explore the stores in a rage-
this has help our shopping experiences greatly & also
has managed to teach our 2 oldest sons how to identify color, sizes,
& shapes at the early levels of childhood-& by the older they got
it also helped with adding subtracting & measuring...
Alot of FUN learning goes further then the boring
note book learning...
next post read on......
Posted by
Moon Dog Star
Spice Cumin
Cumin, a member of the parsley family-
has a distinctive earthy flavor.
Durning the Middle Ages,
it was believed that cumin kept chickens from wondering.
It was also carried durning wedding ceremonies for Good Luck!!
((Now I know what I'm giving to the next
couples wedding I attend--
forget about those expensive gifts-
one lil shaker less then $3.00-LOL-that is FUNNY!!!))
has a distinctive earthy flavor.
Durning the Middle Ages,
it was believed that cumin kept chickens from wondering.
It was also carried durning wedding ceremonies for Good Luck!!
((Now I know what I'm giving to the next
couples wedding I attend--
forget about those expensive gifts-
one lil shaker less then $3.00-LOL-that is FUNNY!!!))
Posted by
Moon Dog Star
Coriander Seeds
Coriander is a mild, sweet, spicy, and sometimes citrus flavoring
that has been used for thousands of years and is even
mitchened in the Bible
(exodus 16:31).It is widely used in cooking, and in India.
It is used in cough medicans as well.
{{Cajun tip}}My family uses coriander seeds for hot tea to ease
stomach cramps in babies or acid reflux. can be used for adults as well!
place seeds on a cheese cloth-
**If you do not have a cheese cloth roll to crush on towel &
then place in coffee filter & tie top closed**
roll with a large glass or rolling pin to crush them into halves-
Boil seeds in a cheese towel in water for 30-45 mins.
OR till water is light brown-remove cheese cloth with seeds-
add honey or sugar to coriander tea-
& serve over ice to cool for children-straight up for adults.
Works amazingly!!!
that has been used for thousands of years and is even
mitchened in the Bible
(exodus 16:31).It is widely used in cooking, and in India.
It is used in cough medicans as well.
{{Cajun tip}}My family uses coriander seeds for hot tea to ease
stomach cramps in babies or acid reflux. can be used for adults as well!
place seeds on a cheese cloth-
**If you do not have a cheese cloth roll to crush on towel &
then place in coffee filter & tie top closed**
roll with a large glass or rolling pin to crush them into halves-
Boil seeds in a cheese towel in water for 30-45 mins.
OR till water is light brown-remove cheese cloth with seeds-
add honey or sugar to coriander tea-
& serve over ice to cool for children-straight up for adults.
Works amazingly!!!
Posted by
Moon Dog Star
icecream fact
Did you know that
was 1st created by China in 2000 B.C.
was 1st created by China in 2000 B.C.
Posted by
Moon Dog Star
big girl jokes
I'm a big girl-I can laugh at this...
You know you NEED to diet when...
You dance and it makes the band skip.
Your blood type is Ragu.
You put mayonnaise on an aspirin.
Brain cells come and brain cells go, but fat cells live forever.
I didn't fight my way to the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian.
One mystery of life is how a two pound box of candy can make you gain five pounds.
Posted by
Moon Dog Star
Food Facts
Odds that an American eats at a Fast Food restaurant on any given day: 1 in 4
Odds that an American Child eats at a McDonald's in any given month: 9 in 10
Amount of money Americans spent on Fast Food in year 2003 $119 billion Dollars
Americans spend 1 Billion Dollars annually on GUM, and 119 Billion Dollars is more then the amount of money spent annually on higher education, book, movies, magazines, newspapers, views, & music.
Odds that an American Child eats at a McDonald's in any given month: 9 in 10
Amount of money Americans spent on Fast Food in year 2003 $119 billion Dollars
Americans spend 1 Billion Dollars annually on GUM, and 119 Billion Dollars is more then the amount of money spent annually on higher education, book, movies, magazines, newspapers, views, & music.
Posted by
Moon Dog Star
Free Pasta + Contest
ENTER A RECIPE and Everyone who enters gets a package of healthy Dreamfields pasta. Don't forget to visit our display where we'll be giving away coupons and a case of pasta each day during the fair!
ENTER A RECIPE and Everyone who enters gets a package of healthy Dreamfields pasta. Don't forget to visit our display where we'll be giving away coupons and a case of pasta each day during the fair!
Posted by
Moon Dog Star
1st post
OK so here I go with my 1st ever post-
this is my so very busy Cajun Life.
My whats-what on this week alone
yeah OK we are Thurs but, I still have till Sunday before
I can officially say my week is over before a new one begins!
I'm in the process of "trying" to buy a new home-
Yes, us Moon Dogs are out growing our 3 bed 2 bath 1800 (or so) sq ft home-
Mind ya we are at 5 people in this one home-
I have 3 males (human) who are growing faster then I can water them...
From oldest to youngest 8, 3, soon to be 1 years old MALES-
Cajun males are not built to be small-therefore I MUST look forward to the
future of LARGE teen aged men in my home & just to fit them now is a challenge!!
We, OK I, did a bit of searching for a NEW home for the last 5 years at least....
of course living here in south Louisiana everything is SO EXPENSIVE!!!
NOW that I have found what I'm hoping will be a NEW home for us-
I'm waiting on a bank approval letter before I can even view the home...
I hate waiting!! I need to keep busy & move forward-
IF GOD wanted me to wait he would have made me a FROG!!!
Upon the approval letter I will be able to view the home-
then my favorite part-Wheeling & Dealing!!
Beings I'm a hound-dog for a good bargain when it comes to a home
I see it no different then shopping at a flea market for antique furniture!!!
(yes I have a slightly large collection of antiques in my home)
I want what I think would be best offer & of course in my "means"
But don't we all want that?!?!
this is my so very busy Cajun Life.
My whats-what on this week alone
yeah OK we are Thurs but, I still have till Sunday before
I can officially say my week is over before a new one begins!
I'm in the process of "trying" to buy a new home-
Yes, us Moon Dogs are out growing our 3 bed 2 bath 1800 (or so) sq ft home-
Mind ya we are at 5 people in this one home-
I have 3 males (human) who are growing faster then I can water them...
From oldest to youngest 8, 3, soon to be 1 years old MALES-
Cajun males are not built to be small-therefore I MUST look forward to the
future of LARGE teen aged men in my home & just to fit them now is a challenge!!
We, OK I, did a bit of searching for a NEW home for the last 5 years at least....
of course living here in south Louisiana everything is SO EXPENSIVE!!!
NOW that I have found what I'm hoping will be a NEW home for us-
I'm waiting on a bank approval letter before I can even view the home...
I hate waiting!! I need to keep busy & move forward-
IF GOD wanted me to wait he would have made me a FROG!!!
Upon the approval letter I will be able to view the home-
then my favorite part-Wheeling & Dealing!!
Beings I'm a hound-dog for a good bargain when it comes to a home
I see it no different then shopping at a flea market for antique furniture!!!
(yes I have a slightly large collection of antiques in my home)
I want what I think would be best offer & of course in my "means"
But don't we all want that?!?!
Posted by
Moon Dog Star
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