Today I have to admit wasn't that bad...
Nothing majorly weird happened-
No out of the world sayings rolled off the lips of either child-
Oh take that back...
You see the dogs stayed at my parents yesterday
& also last night-Well...Moon Dog Spot....He is my 3 year old
mind of his own & NO reason to think before he speaks!! VERY FREE Spirit!!!
My mother's cousin came by for a visit today.
Spot took it upon him self to let her know she has a TINY car...
(Mind you it is a regular 4 door car)
As he was looking over her car like he has never seen one before-
He made his way to the back end of it (the trunk) looked down ward
& clearly stated " YOU do not have a thingy to pull a BOAT!!"
of course Spot-the cutie pootie that he is...He was just stunted!
We here all have Trucks-Even in I have a TRUCK truck-
not a SUV or mini (ugh) van, no cars!
That had to be what was the funnest comment of the day!
We decided to venture out onto the roads today The dogs & I
We been couped up in the house for a few days-
We went ride by where I knew of a few houses for sale that was still
in our parish (yes here is Louisiana we have Parishes Not County)
I really don't want to switch Parishes for MoonDog Rex is in the school system
He will be doing to 3rd Grade this year-I really wouldn't want to switch school BUT, it isn't looking to hott for a house in our area-Mind ya there are a few BUT, in the south everything cost the arm leg & 1st born child...To get something that means anything for ME to pick up & move the cost is well over $350,000.xx Wow Wow Whatt-I know...Crazy!!
Mind ya I found one just across the bayou from where we are now
(bayou lafourche-Large body of water
(like almost a mini river-runs North & South, the Roads 2 way runs West & East)
But, the owners are requesting for a pre-approval loan paper-with out is NO ONE can see the home (just a drive by-that is what we did anyways) i understand it is to keep the riff raff out & without wasting their time also on buyers who aren't fully able to purchase the home but, gess that is all before a question of wheeling & dealing on the price...With out a doubt this home would fit us nicely in & also have room for just trains!!!
Yea you read that right-my DOGS LOVE TRAINS!!!!
anything from the 25c gumball machine ones to the ones that i will not buy a child under 18 years old...LOL They love them ALL esp Rex-that is his Passion....
So, the search is still on...
same parish different towns over-
I wasn't impressed with what I saw for sale...
some of the homes were nice sized but where in the heck are the yards??
Come on here I need yard for my dogs to roam, mark their spots you know!
Well, we may travel a little more north same parish for homes next week...
May-is the strong statement here...north is a small/medium sized College Town!
But, they do have a nice mix of old town & history & cajun ways meets New World...
& more so they speak & sound just as we do here in the southern part of Laf. Parish
that to me is a BIG bonus!! I love our mixed tongue of cajun french/ english speaking...
I know I can not make a full sentence with only english words!! somewhere there will be cajun in there...of course typing it I learned to adjust-Took a long time but, Unless you cajun You wouldn't have a clue what the heck I'm talking about!!
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