he is my youngest of all the 3 dogs...
nick name Juicy was due to a visit to Mid-Miss...
where one lady was just to honest to state very loudly that
"Max" was the JUICIEST baby she had ever seen in her life!!!
ok yeah he is a lil chunky but what would you expect from a Cajun breed baby!
SKINNY??? LMAO I do not think so...
He is so chunky You just want to kiss him & eat him all up!!
soo Juicy it is!! & poor thing he laughs when u call him that-
Heck he responds to it well...it's his calling!
Juicy will be turning the very young age of 1 year old on the 30th of June!!
He can do a elephant walk - crawl & when he really wants to show off he walks
with out holding on to anything-He wobbles his chunky body forward & gets going
It is too cute-I think when any child that young does the 1st few steps...
& when he does-there is clapping involved after...the boy loves to clap his hands with joy
He has manged to grow several teeth in the last 3 months or so...
(sorry I don't keep baby journals-I do NOT have time for that)
He has 3 on bottom center, 4 on top from center & also one came in on top far back left side
like a moller -kinda strange I think -a bit young for his age- BUT when you are determined to eat mom's gumbos, freak a' says, fettchines, red beans & rice, crawfish-shrimp & anything else mom concocts up to eat You will grow as many teeth as need be...Now that my blaa blaa blog friends is a TRUE CAJUN BE'BE'
Recently Juicy has learned to how to get the attention he wants from his older brothers...
The dogs are always doing something-together
fighting, fussing, naggin', actually beings kind & lovin' & of course train building & playing
Juicy wants in on the fun so he learned on his own how to get their attention...
He makes these very weird barkin'/growlin'/gaggin' sounds...
He does them LOUD & also very low toned...
of course that makes the brothers laugh with no end!!
The faces are always the same though-only his mouth moves!
straight faced looks like what would be so funny that y'all are laughing like hyenas...
but, it works...he makes these weird sounds & the brothers are instantly into him & what he has to say next!! He has the perfect timing on them to-when it is quite in the truck & someone is about to pass out sleeping He gets all cranked up & the sounds start-Of course who ever thought of nappin' gets a rude awaking...& then the kacking like lil old ladies start along with the weird moon dog sounds!! It is funny to say the least & entertainment all rolled into one-
Who said road trips were boring didn't have my dogs with them along for the ride!!
Juicy is also a fund lover for jumping....
It started off like a bouncing when he was able to sit up by himself-
esp with happy or excited he would bounce-
then he came to jumping-in his crib he jumps & jumps & jumps
it is soooo cute....I tell him "jump juicy jump" & my gosh hold on cause he is...
he gets going so well that he will move his crib straight to the wall-
when he is done the clappin' begins....
so proud of himself that everything needs a good clappin'
He used to be a bed only jumper NOW when he has his land legs on the floor he gets jumping there too-that is how we know even with his serious face he is a Happy Dog!! ((beings he has no tail))
This week I'm "going to try" to make his birthday cakes...
We will have one GIANT cupcake for him to dig in
& I will make also 3 layer stack cakes...
This is my 1st attempt at making cakes for such a special occasion-
I have never taken classes but it does strike me to learn
for I LOVE LOVE LOVE to cook-& i do the baking ever so often as well
I thought it would be fun to learn more...
i wish though i would have had the time to go learn more about the decorating of cakes from a bakery-but, i didn't...maybe one day i will though...we have a few in town here that I know the people well enough-I think they wouldn't mind me joining in for a little cake fun...Heck any chance of being in a kitchen/galley that is bigger then my little ol' 10X10 would be nice experience!!!
I have thought over & over & made recipes on cakes & decorating ideas...
But it seems that I will be wingin' it...
for I didn't get the practice like I would have wanted before this week-
so high wing it will be...I cross my toes that it comes together well...
If not-I'll just put the blame of the kids...for they distracted me...LOL-JJ
I also want to make for him special petite fours
((read more on those tiny cakes in Sweet Section))
But, we shall see....
Either way i know juicy will be happy with which ever-
He is Cajun be'be' who LOVES to eat...
More on him later...
he too is always up to no good-& makes my life
NOT so boring & dull!!
Better-For-You Homemade Granola
Skip the store-bought stuff—our Better-for-You Homemade Granola is crunchy,
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5 days ago
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