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Best of Luck & Happy Coffee Drinking!!
**Once I receive my free coffee sample I'll post back with my reviews!!**
Monday, July 28, 2008
I'm here to post back my taste thoughts on my free sample I received.
It is called Jamaican Me Crazy 100% Arabica Coffee
Around 5 every afternoon i make a 4 cup pot of coffee for myself
so that way i can last thought the day-
As it started to gather the water & filter
I had to measure just as i do with my regular coffee. (3 tablespoons full)
The sample bag I was sent is enough for 8-12 cups
depending on how strong you prefer the taste.
I don't like instant hair on my chest so I go lighter.
The aroma was amazing as it started to brew.
It smelled like pancake syrup.
Instantly the boys asked "what is that your cooking mom?"
I had to break it to them i wasn't cooking anything I was brewing!
Well, of course I had to shoo shoos them away-
I can't have them hounding all my coffee....
(& they would if they had the chance too)
Maybe next pot I'll share with the "dogs"-
They were brought up on coffee in the am just as I was as a child!
It's what we do here in the South.
I was concerned if it was to heavy but, after tasting it
I was happy with my measuring choice.
I allow the coffee to sit about 5 mins before I pour into my mug.
My perfect cup is half coffee, half hot milk, & sweetener to taste.
Jamaica Me Crazy is a pleasant taste & I wouldn't mind drinking it more often.
It's light enough for every day usage but has a slight hint on nutty tons.
More probably a good choice for a cold winters day.
Not a HOT, HUMID, SOUTHERN Summer day!!!
Go by Jofferys.com & pick yourself up a bag or two.
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