Well, lets see...
I thought I would share with all of you BLAA BLAA
readers what it is like for us at so-called bed time...
You see it's summer vacation here & the dogs don't
have such a mandatory set time frame BUT I do try to
stick to some of the same rules we use when we are in "School Mode".
Time starts at no later then 7'ish-7:30pm::
I give baths (if needed) every other night.
My dogs can't play outside to much in summer
time due to skin allergies. We need days of
low 70's or even cool 60's then we are OUT & about...
yes you will most likely see us in shorts come those cool crispy days.
I give spot & juicy their baths then rex showers himself down.
Spot & Juicy take less then 30 mins to wash up &
be bed ready as for REX he is worse then a woman...
He takes about NO LESS then 1 HOUR in the shower...
No i don't ask what he is doing in there cause well
he is male I don't want to know.
Once they are changed into pjs. They scrub their teeth down...
then it's last round of milk run.
yes, I'm sooo backwards but it's what we do...
Juicy takes vanilla soy with strawberry mix &
cereal in a bottle*shake shake* serve...
Spot takes soy chocolate in a sippy cup
(for the record it taste like a creamy chocolate shake-yum mo)
& Rex takes organic whole milk...(in a cup).
Down the hatch it goes before they land in their beds.
I turn on Baby TV for Juicy & the bigger dogs turn on
a DVD which lately (last 2 months) has been Vintage Mickey. Too cute BTW.
Then As I think I can get to the kitchen to bring it back from the dead...
I hear chirping-Not sure if it's the boys or a cricket bringing us
luck or something wild creature mating or what...down the hall
i start to go as I look in to see Juicy is on his back one leg up
on the railing & other one pressing on his Fisher Price fish tank...
(yes I high recommend these We still have all 3 from
each dog-Only 2 work though both tied onto Juicy's bed railing)
He is kicking the on & off button with his foot.
Just gazing at it like it's the coolest thing ever.
Totally amused & not aware that I'm standing in on his symphony.
I slip out before he does notice though...head up the hall
to head back to the kitchen & I'm stopped...I hear "Mom" "Mom"
I head back down to see Spot sitting up in his bed all to show me
what song & dance he so loves on the vintage mickey dvd...
I get the like recital then of course we hug 2x & kiss 2x...
back to the kitchen once more...clean up the poor thing & set dishes to wash.
Before heading out the kitchen I prepare 6 bottles for
Juicy (4 vanilla, strawberry milk & 2 apple juice),
4 sippy cups for Spot ( 2 chocolate milk & 2 tropical juice)
& 4 regular cups with lids for Rex
(1 regular milk, 1 chocolate milk, 2 organic punch juice)...
Then I preset my Coffee pot ready for ME!!!
As i head in my "so-called used to be all MINES office"
I head the bigger dogs party-up in their room...
I head back down the hall to set them straight &
put on Baby TV as well for them...
In the evenings Baby TV plays only musically songs. No words No talking No nothing else that is distracting...Pure Music...Soft & sweet!! Makes u very sleepy...I love that extra help at night for the dogs...
Once my dogs are sleeping then I go to sleep myself...
I can NOT sleep if I know they are awake...
Even if it is in their own beds...
For little feet NEVER stay put in their places...
Bonus Wooden Floors are extra ears for mothers...
I hear then at a drop of a toe...LOL
By this time is it well pass 10 pm-
OK OK it's very close to 11pm...
Maybe one day we can have them all in bed
sleeping by 10 BUT not have anyone wake up
in the mid morning like the rooster just crowed...
LOL I'll be here if that day ever comes...
Till then OUR crazy nights will be still rolling...
Good Nite to y'all & Sweetest Dreams!!
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5 days ago
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