This is my Moon Dog Juicy
He is my youngest of the 3 dogs...
So far his total personality hasn't shown fully
but, I don't think it will take long...
So far he is a curious lil' dog,
loves to be held & loved on,
likes to know how thing work &
not to the point of talking so we don't
have to deal with the questions of why-Not yet-
He loves though to make his Brothers laugh!!
& he does some inserting head movements
(I'll film them for ya')
They are to cute & makes him smile
yet me have no clue what they mean!!!
this last picture is of him for
his 1st birthday party
& ya' see he didn't get that messy...
The top picture was his 1st time with
bubbles...He was amazed...
He was trying to blow them & eat them
all at the same time...
ain't that just the cutest thing!!!
The middle picture of him in the pool
He loves to be in water
he doesn't freak-out like children usually do
He loves to splash around & get all wet!!
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