yeah yeah i know I'm LATE but i have finally loaded
up our Halloween party pictures for all of you to view!!!!as the 22nd is spot's birth date i baked him a frankie chocolate cake.
green icing with mini m&m for the face.
instead of bolts my mother suggested using pieces of french
bread for the bolts instead & it works perfectly...LOL
this cake feed 4 adults 3 children & did not last through the night. we go
1st one-us the Moon Dogs
yes go figure that one out
Spot's birthday party & he did NOT want to dress up.
ahh little male dogs grr
Spot's birthday party & he did NOT want to dress up.
ahh little male dogs grr
I was adead wife/mother-Rex was a wolf boy,
Big dog was Frankenstein, & Juicy was Dracula
spot was suppose to be the Mummy then he didn't like
that so i ordered last minute a Little Frankie for him
& he turned around last minute to tell me he wasn't wearing that either.
But instead he has the typical lil cajun boys with shirt pants & no shoes
& a very devious smile-
But instead he has the typical lil cajun boys with shirt pants & no shoes
& a very devious smile-
here below is our grave yard-it's spookier at night
plus big dog at this point took down my body bags
that contained a foot with a evil eye & the other was a
hand with figures. all covered in blooood.

Our friends who attended our little gathering
Of course dressed up as well...tks to those who came
celebrate our gathering with us!!!
I had burred 2 skeleton bodies in the dogs rubber much play pit-
the kids were split into groups to find the parts & put old Skelly back together again
each skeleton was marked down 50% off sale at big lots just 3 days before
I paid less then $5.00 for both

Our younger friends dived head first into
our pit of bones-for the apples
they had a blast driving in for the apples...
Apples on sale per bag (8 apples per bag-5lbs bags)
$3.88 each-I bought 4 bags.
2 small pack of bones on the .88c sale items at family dollar store.
I had burred 2 skeleton bodies in the dogs rubber much play pit-
the kids were split into groups to find the parts & put old Skelly back together again
each skeleton was marked down 50% off sale at big lots just 3 days before
I paid less then $5.00 for both

Our younger friends dived head first into
our pit of bones-for the apples
they had a blast driving in for the apples...
Apples on sale per bag (8 apples per bag-5lbs bags)
$3.88 each-I bought 4 bags.
2 small pack of bones on the .88c sale items at family dollar store.

next for more halloween party fun....
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