Link to her Blog
here are a few rules...
MEME: definition:
WIKIPEDIA:A meme (pronounced /miːm/)[1] consists of any idea or behavior that can pass from one person to another by learning or imitation. Examples include thoughts, ideas, theories, gestures, practices, fashions, habits, songs, and dances. Memes propagate themselves and can move through the cultural sociosphere in a manner similar to the contagious behavior of a virus
Now to play I go....
Five Things I Was Doing 10 Years Ago
- Bartending
- Living the WILD life
- Single & Free
- Pharmacy Tech-helper
- Office Assistant for Shipyard
Five Things On My To Do List (as of right now today)
- Finalize & Print my recipe book
- Get complete reconstruction surgery of this body
- Clean OUT my office & desk
- Find land/property in Miss. with great near by schools
- Donate all boys clothes that are unfit for them
Five Things I Like To Snack On
- fresh fruit & veggie mix trays
- ice cream (i like them in all flavors)
- sea salt toasties
- Nilla cakesters banana cream filled
- almond flavor double layered cake with real sliced banana filling
Five Things I Would Do If I Was A Millionaire
- Publish my recipe book
- get out of debt
- move out of hurricane central
- buy a houseboat
- make savings for my dogs' future
Five Places I Have Lived
- cut off, la
- raceland, la
- grand isle, la
- galliano, la
- pass christian, ms
Five Jobs I Have Had (present tense-HAVE)
- Dancer with a company
- pharmacy tech
- doctor office management team (volunteer)
- bartender
Five People I Am Tagging
I have yet to tagg anyone BUT as soon as I do...
I'll come back & post them here.
in your post and a link and then fill in the blanks ABOUT YOU
and pass along to 5 more! HAVE FUN!Did you learn anything new about me?
Anything that surprises you?
Don't forget, you don't have to be tagged officially to play along.
Feel free to do your Five Things on your blog and
leave your link in the comments here so I can check them out.
great job lahia! can't wait to see the blogs that you tag! :) FUNNY STUFF and what is that complete reconstruction of your entire body? that sounds so radical YIKES be careful with that! I am interested in learning more about Grand Isle!