That is the thought that comes to my mind come Dec. 1st-I try my best to stick with the traditions that my parents did with me as a child-I should say US meaning my brother & I and my 2 childhood girlfriends-Our mothers are best of friends, we lived but 3 houses from each other on a family own land/street & had but only each other to play with or fight with Depending on what the day brought!! But, our mothers were dead set on Traditions Which was a good thing. For me that is...I have my 3 dogs, my brother has 4 children, & the girlfriends/more like sister I never had-well they are childless...I'm not completely sure with traditions from The Mothers that my brother still carries on to his children BUT For me that is the reason for the post.
I still....bake cookies with my boys every year
I still....go out & pick be best tree & the fattest for that matter every year
I the boys decorate the tree (was with traditional hand-me-down ornaments BUT, they were falling apart & super glue wasn't working as well as it did the 1st 5 times-New up-to-date ornaments bought 07 year) ever year
I still....decorate the house inside & out with our holiday cheer & some of the same items my mother used when I was a child-that I'm now using for my children every year
I still.....take the time to find perfect wrapping paper & special bows every year
I still....wrap up present for loved ones adding special note cards, bows, string ribbons every year
I still....send out christmas cards with our names hand written inside with the thinking about you this year & love with my boys every year
I around the tri-parish in our truck on christmas eve in our pajamas listening to our favorite holiday songs ( some on the radio-last 5 or so year Veggie tales greatest Hit CD) & looking out at the most beautiful light displays on peoples homes every year
I still....allow my boys to open ONE present from under the TREE on the Christmas Eve-& with that I ask them to make a Wish for what Santa' may bring while they are sleeping every year
I still...take a special "Santa' Key" out the box & hang it on the outside door knob for santa' to come in while we are sleeping to drop off the presents for the boys every year
I still....set out our special "for santa' only" cookies with a shot of whiskey & carrots on back deck for reindeer every year
I old christmas movies on tv & 2 all time favorite ones (Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas & Dr. Susses The Grinch Who Stole Christmas (with Jim Carrey) with my dogs every year
I still...tuck in my dogs on christmas eve night-kissing them on the head-telling them to have sweet dreams & rest peaceful for tomorrow all their dreams will come true every year
I still....wake up like a fool before the crack of dawn to see my boys RIP through their presents like MAD DOGS not paying attention to notes & who their from or more so who their for every year
I still....allow the boys to play with their toys while I make a special christmas breakfast every year
I still....get the dogs all dressed up & head out the door with gifts for family & friends who we'll be poppin' in & visiting through out the day every year..............BUT not in the last 2 years!!! 2 years ago I just couldn't image how in the world I was going to get 3 dogs, big dog, & myself dressed & out the door in time for lunch-I had 2 boys who wanted to stay home & PLAY with their new toys & 1 baby pup who just wanted to sleep!!! that is when I decided that this was to much for the 5 of us for one day. NOW we stay home enjoy the time with each other & the NEW toys that santa brings & we let family who has far less members or children then we do come to us for that special day!!!!
I still....allow the boys to play ALL day long with their gifts-being we have trains, planes, & construction trucks & automobiles I allow the to build, create, & lay down tracks straight through the house-on this special day every year
I still...prepare days in advance & cook the day of Christmas a special to remember holiday dinner every year
I still...Allow my boys to wear their favorite pajamas & freaky weird socks ALL day long on our family's special Christmas at home day every year
I still....pass out around 9 PM in exhaustion from a long month of preps, light trips, gift wrapping, cookie baking, holiday food eating month every year
I still...wake up the next day wondering how in the world I'm going to fit all the NEW toys into their already over packed bedrooms full of been having toys every year
NOW I want to know what is it that you do EVERY YEAR that makes your TRADITIONS Special to you & your family??!!
One poster's comment will be picked by Rex-oldest dog-& we shall send you a special box full of our home-made sweets!!
HURRY to comment-this comment contest ends Wednesday, December 17th @ mid night central time zone
The Winner will be announce right here-new post on Thursday December 18th in the AM hours & the sweet gift will be send out via-express mail.
**be sure to include your eMail address so I may congratulate you on your WIN & also find out where to send the Goodies.....The winner has 5 days to reply-If on the 5th day No reply has been made-the 6th day Rex will pick another poster's comment for the prize!!!**
**These are our rules-No exceptions will be taken-To be fair to all who enter**
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5 days ago
Our upbringing was so similar. We did everything so identical. Now we still go to my mothers around 10 and we all meet up. I am the last of 11 kids and a good many of us meet there with our kids and some of there kids. now we are grandparents so the room is getting quite full. We would not want to miss any of the paper throwing event, or the bow wearing festival, or lose the batteries or instructions parade. There is always something we have to go through the garbage one piece of paper by one to find the missing lil hairbrush, or remote control, or one year a gold chain!! Every year we say, this is insane, lets slow down-- one person at a time, do this slowly, enjoy each other, and like at the track and as if someone had fired the gun---on your mark, get set---gooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteLet the mess begin, and what a beautiful thing it is. One day that will be in my living room, and i will laugh when my kids try to organize it...!
With my Mom and Dad both gone now, and me being the oldest I am the keeper of traditions for our large family.
ReplyDeleteLike you Lahia, I bake, cook for everyone, go see all the beautiful lights, share our Christmas Spirit with every one we can.
Our traditions actually start on Thanksgiving. The whole family comes to my house for TG dinner, we usually decide then, what time we will have our Christmas Eve get together, and who will bring what, but I do the majority of the cooking, because I am the only country cook in the family, the rest just open cans and pop in the microwave, yuck!
The day after TG we put up the tree, I use all the things my children have made over the years, and each year we get a new year ball. Then DH's job is to top with the angel we have used since the first Christmas we were together 1985, she is a little worse for the wear, but I wouldn't dream of replacing her.
A couple of weeks before Christmas Me and the kiddo's start making the homemade gifts for teachers, family and friends.
We mark the calendar every day until the big 25.
Christmas Eve we all gather here at my house. I don't limit who can come, there is always room for family, friends and strangers. I have enough food for an army, LOL. after the meal we sometimes have Santa come with his big bag of surprises, but sometimes he has to visit other children.
We open gifts that were brought by family and friends, and they open ours, I allow the kids to open 1 gift from us, then we put out the goodies for the jolly old fat man, and the kids all snuggle up in their beds.
That is when Santa brings out he gifts and we for the stockings.
Next morning I try to beat the kids up and make home made hot cocoa, then we gather around the tree and decide who will give out the presents. The kids enjoy sipping their cocoa, and seeing what Santa put under the tree.
Then like you I slip off to make either pancakes, or a big eggs, grits, bacon and sausage breakfast. The rest of the day we munch leftovers from the Christmas Eve dinner. The kids play all day, or nap off and on since they got up so early. Just a nice enjoyable family day.
For the past 12 years (only been married 12) at my house every for Christmas we put up our tree the day after Thanksgiving, while listening to Christmas music. We also have pizza and popcorn to snack on. No leftovers that night. We also buy a new ornament every year for all four of us. Now that the kids are old enough to pick, they love to pick out their own ornaments. My goal is for them to be able to decorate with precious memories for their own first tree. On Christmas eve, we all get in our pjs and gather together for our reading of the Christmas story. We read the Night before Christmas, but then we read about the birth of Jesus. After our stories, we put out cookies and milk for santa and head off to bed. On Christmas morning we get up early usually around 5 am, depending on how late my son sleeps. We rush to the living room to see what Santa has brought and then we open our presents. After we open our presents both sets of grandparents show up for Christmas morning breakfast at our house. it is our gift to them on Christmas morning. We serve, ham, bacon, sausage, eggs, muffins, pancakes, biscuits, gravy and more. My husband starts planning on Thanksgiving for his big cooking day. Then we spend the rest of the day playing with new toys, playing games, visiting with each other, and enjoying a nap if I am lucky. I love Christmas Day because it is the one day of the year, my family stays home together.
ReplyDeleteAfter 8 years of trudging ourselves and our children to 5 different homes on Christmas Eve (welcome to the new age of split families!), 3 years ago we decided to stay at home. Not that we don't love our extended families, but we didn't like starting the day early and ending up cranky. We told everyone we'd love to see them all, and that they should stop by for a visit.
ReplyDeleteThis was the beginning of our family traditions. We now make quick snacks, and enjoy our guests at our leisure. The children are happy to be at their own home, with spontaneous familial guests bearing love. I'm glad noone has been offended; rather, they seem to enjoy it too.
Our theme could be entitled Happy Holidays at Home. All I know is that everyone seems much happier. Isn't that what it's all about?
Our family tradition starts with my hubby yelling ho ho ho down the hallway and waking up the boys(just like my dad did). Then everyone waking and stumbling out to the tree. Gag gifts are always opened first and then the real stuff.
ReplyDeleteWe have the annual white elephant gift exhange. Then its off to the kitchen to make my grams crescrent rolls with weinies.....the boys love them.
Merry Christmas
We always put our tree up the day after Thanksgiving and we have hot chocolate when we open our presents.
ReplyDelete1bmore @ gmail .com
We started a new tradition for the holidays last year, the entire family went to Jamaica it was great, this year we are renting a cabin near Asheville NC. It's a wonderful way to spend time together and enjoy being a family. My Kids (Ha ha) are 38,40, 42, 43, no grandkids in sight (sigh). Skiing, tubing, sitting around the fire and reconnecting is my idea of heaven. We have eliminated gift giving at Xmas in lieu of a family vacation.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was a little girl each year on Christmas Eve, my dad would have each of the girls ( it is 3 of us) talk into a tape recorder. He would ask us the year, what we had asked for for Christmas, and then we would have to sing a Christmas carol or two. Now with 2 girls of my own I do this as well, but with my video camera. For a Christmas present for my dad we are going to try and get the tapes all put on to a cd.
ReplyDeleteWishing everyone a Merry Christmas!
-Crystal Teets
Our Christmas traditions have changed over the years. 46 years of marriage and things seem to wither away. LIke Santa Claus used to be here every year now Sastmas nta Claus is sleeping in. We do go shopping together me and my granddaughters. And Abbygail dresses up in her best doggie costume. Lots of gifts for everyone. A big beauiful tree Christmas dinner with moms Christmas table cloth on the table. She has been gone 4Yrs now and I still miss her terribly. Merry Christmas MOM
ReplyDeleteDecorate the tree together
Bake cookies together
Drive around looking at Christmas lights together
Have dinner as a huge family or
My husband & son & I finally got fed up with trying to run around the countryside to satisfy both sides of the family by showing up on Christmas Eve and Christmas... WE never really got to enjoy the holiday, because we were so exhausted from all of it! So when my son reached 8 years old, we decided to stay at home and just phone everybody (would just take a couple of hours). Of course, everyone is invited to our house, but no one ever shows!
ReplyDeleteThis also means that we can have our OWN favorite meal for Christmas, so as a family we happily prepare FONDUE!!(Raw beef steak, shrimp, and various cheese chunks - covered in corn meal - to make in hot oil - YUMMMM!) We totally enjoy our family holiday now, and would never go back to spending our time and energy - virtually wasting our holiday time - again!
###------> Kathy S