Monday, July 21, 2008
soy milk-my need for savings
My youngest son doesn't care for the Vanilla so I add strawberry powder to it so he will drink it often.
I was wondering it it's possible for Silk Co. to make a Banana Flavor & also a Tropical Flavor?
We are starting to get burnt out on the Vanilla & Chocolate & even the Strawberry powder we are mixing in.
Any chance of more flavors being added?
Also how do I get hold on coupons that the Silk Soy co. may have to offer? Once again I purchase about 96 cartons in 3 months. That is 8 vanilla & 8 chocolate each week. Maybe more if I'm baking/cooking with it.
Thanks for any answers concerning my questions.
Lahia"my name"
Joffrey's Coffee
Why Not BE apart of something you enjoy?
Say like COFFEE...!!
Be apart of Joffrey's Beta Coffee Club
Sign Up here
I got accepted within a day of entering my info.
if you are a blogger & coffee drinker You may be able to enter too.
Best of Luck & Happy Coffee Drinking!!
**Once I receive my free coffee sample I'll post back with my reviews!!**
Monday, July 28, 2008
I'm here to post back my taste thoughts on my free sample I received.
It is called Jamaican Me Crazy 100% Arabica Coffee
Around 5 every afternoon i make a 4 cup pot of coffee for myself
so that way i can last thought the day-
As it started to gather the water & filter
I had to measure just as i do with my regular coffee. (3 tablespoons full)
The sample bag I was sent is enough for 8-12 cups
depending on how strong you prefer the taste.
I don't like instant hair on my chest so I go lighter.
The aroma was amazing as it started to brew.
It smelled like pancake syrup.
Instantly the boys asked "what is that your cooking mom?"
I had to break it to them i wasn't cooking anything I was brewing!
Well, of course I had to shoo shoos them away-
I can't have them hounding all my coffee....
(& they would if they had the chance too)
Maybe next pot I'll share with the "dogs"-
They were brought up on coffee in the am just as I was as a child!
It's what we do here in the South.
I was concerned if it was to heavy but, after tasting it
I was happy with my measuring choice.
I allow the coffee to sit about 5 mins before I pour into my mug.
My perfect cup is half coffee, half hot milk, & sweetener to taste.
Jamaica Me Crazy is a pleasant taste & I wouldn't mind drinking it more often.
It's light enough for every day usage but has a slight hint on nutty tons.
More probably a good choice for a cold winters day.
Not a HOT, HUMID, SOUTHERN Summer day!!!
Go by & pick yourself up a bag or two.
To Move or Not to Move...
instead we are going to expand out & up
Our home is now 1800 sq ft.
master "hum me" bedroom above that area.
We will also go outward to the corner side &
build that way an area as well...
I know ya thinking "What the heck ya talking about woman..."
keep reading....
Me & big dog decided we are going to give the main house
"which we are in now" to the dogs...It's 3 bedroom & 2 bath
& it's just what they need beings there is 3 of them..
they will have their own entertainment room
(the living room now) & play room(my office now)
We will be remodeling totally the kitchen & dining area.
I LOVE to cook there fore I want a nicely done galley
A typical kitchen will NOT do for me...
heck I'm trapped in a 10X10 now & believe me when
I say I have less then 5X5 of that to actually move around...
Our back last added room we are under decided
what we will do exactly with it.
we have 2 choices-1. game/movie room actual kitchen
have look below to see for yourself...
Heck i may take a poll & see what "viewers choices are"
picture below is what i have now as my layout
Open land -It is my land just not cleared "YET"
endless possibilities to the open land area
Open Lands size is 202 FT X 84 FT.

so, that has been the big talk around here lately...
Oh yeah & also I plan on releasing my very own recipe book soon
More on that to come!!!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Chocoholic Chocolate Lover

It's your friend's birthday and the only present that comes to mind is a box of chocolates. Do you:
a) Buy her a box of your favorite chocolates and hope she will open them in front of you, so that you can devour most of them yourself?
b) Buy her a box of her favorite chocolates and insist that she eats them all herself?
c) Have some chocolates sent to her house, so that you don't even have to look at them?
d) It's no use! The prospect of giving a box of chocolates to anyone else is too much to bear; so it's time to think again?
A work colleague is leaving to go to a new job and brings an enormous chocolate cake into the office on her last day. Do you:
a) Politely decline - on the grounds that you are on a diet?
b) Down tools immediately, you could never sit and work while
chocolate cake was a few inches away from you?
c) Accept a piece and eat it quickly, so that you are available to polish off any leftovers?
d) Leave the room straightaway; claiming you must dash off to do an important job and hope it is all gone when you return?
A common 'saying' is that many people prefer chocolate to sex! Do you:
a) Absolutely agree? Nothing comes before your chocolate!
b) Decide that chocolate will be here today and gone today, but sex can always wait until tomorrow?
c) Totally disagree? You can always have chocolate after sex!
d) Find yourself struggling to decide between the two?
You and your partner are invited out to friends for a meal. When a severely chocolaty dessert arrives on the table, everyone (including you) is full. Do you:
a) Say you couldn't possibly eat another thing, or you might explode?
b) Wish you hadn't eaten so much for the other courses? A lesson to be learnt for the future.
c) Squeeze some in? It seems a pity for all that chocolate to go to waste!
d) Politely say that you are full, but rather than regretting it the next day, say that you could always take some home to eat later?
Christmas is always a bad time for anyone trying to avoid chocolate, as boxes seem to be everywhere in the workplace and become too much for most of us to bear. Do you:
a) Feel unconcerned about the prospect of having chocolate staring at you from every angle; you'll just eat what you want? After all it is Christmas!
b) Decide it's time to take a few 'sickies.' It's the only way you are going to get into that new dress?
c) Display complete willpower and walk past every box, without looking?
d) Sneak into work early one morning and remove all the boxes out of sight, without eating any? MF
You are alone in the house with no chocolate and the kids are in bed asleep. A sudden craving for chocolate comes over you, unable to leave the house. Do you:
a) Desperately search through the kids' school bags, hoping you might find something - even though there's not much hope?
b) Call one of your friends and ask them to bring some over, as it's an emergency?
c) Call your partner and inform him that his evening at the gym is not as important as your chocolate. He'd better come home straightaway?
d) Turn off the T.V. - avoiding all those chocolate adverts - and sit down to read a good book instead?
You decide to 'throw' a barbeque and everyone thinks a chocolate fondue is the perfect end to the meal. Does the sight of all that melted chocolate make you:
a) Run for the nearest ladle?
b) Ditch the barbeque, you'd rather go straight to dessert?
c) Make sure you get the most marshmallows, so you can have more to dip in the chocolate?
d) Keep yourself distracted by the 'Hot Dogs?' or at least that's what you're telling yourself.
You entered a competition on a chocolate bar to win a day at a chocolate factory, with as much chocolate as you can eat. Never imagining you would win, you find yourself the lucky winner. Do you:
a) Jump around in excitement. You can hardly wait to tell your friends, they'll be so jealous?
b) Let someone else go in your place. The prospect is too much to endure?
c) Ask if you can take a friend? After all you don't want to be sick on your own in a strange place.
d 'Grit your teeth' and throw the letter away, hoping that they (and you) will forget all about it?
A mystery box of chocolates, in the shape of a heart, is delivered to your door on Valentines Day. Do you:
a) Rip the box open immediately and devour them? After all, a box of chocolates is a box of chocolates!
b) Look at them lovingly and wonder who sent them? Not wishing to spoil the box by opening them.
c) Put them in a prominent place in the house, so anyone visiting can see them, then you can eat them later?
d) Put them away in a safe place and treasure them forever?
How many chocolate biscuits do you eat a day?
a) At least one packet? You can't cope without your daily allowance!
b) You only eat them on shopping day? After that they have all gone!
c) You are not quite sure, because you spend most days eating other peoples?
d) None. You are on a strict diet and you never keep any in the house. Even the kids aren't allowed any? MF
1 a) 4 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3
2 a) 1 b) 3 c) 4 d) 2
3 a) 3 b) 4 c) 2 d) 1
4 a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
5 a) 4 b) 3 c) 1 d) 2
6 a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 1
7 a) 4 b) 3 c) 2 d) 1
8 a) 4 b) 2 c) 3 d) 1
9 a) 4 b) 2 c) 3 d) 1
10 a) 4 b) 3 c) 2 d) 1
10 and under
Congratulations for having such amazing willpower. It doesn't matter how much you want to eat chocolate, it's not going to take over your life, or prevent you from getting into your favorite clothes!
11 - 24
You like other people to think you have chocolate under control. Sadly you are only deluding yourself - your chocolate tendencies are more obvious than you seem to think!
25 - 30
You are a true chocoholic! There is nothing standing in the way of you and your chocolate and you don't care who knows it. Any man in your life will have to be prepared to be second best!
Friday, July 18, 2008
American Cancer Society Relay For Life
they are raising money for
American Cancer Society Relay For Life
in our town. We are asking if you would please
take time to donate a dollar amount to help the children who have cancer
for better treatment to heal & get well.
Link below is directed to Sebastian's page
You can donate Online OR print out a forum & mail in your check.
The last day for collecting money is
by 4:00pm Central Time on Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Relay For Life Link
Thank You All So Very Much!!
Any Dollar Amount Is Much Appreciated!!!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Hair Enhancement -hummm
I'm usually not wild with my color but, after 2 more dogs
the natural highlights have become more of a full dye color.
I go to a salon for the fact that I'm to scared to do it on my own.
I used to do light brown cause my hair is dark brown
well that didn't last long as in I couldn't wait to color it differently
Then I started with a ash red, until 2 years ago to red red
& then yesterday I decided that instead of coloring it all over in a red red that will wash out to a red orange the orange that i don't like-
I needed to have a closer look at the color tones chart.
humm let's see-red basic+lighter tone=orange-humm I do not think so....
basic red+darker tones=purple-well now that ain't so bad; right?!
let me go the opposite way on the color chart & go with more purples
Oh My Goodness-
WHY Didn't I Do It This Way Before!!!
It's a deep red with purple tones...
Say WHAT...oh yeah It's just like Punk Rock Barbies from the 80's
Come on ladies you know what barbie I'm talking about
The African American Friend of Barbie had the strips of
reddish purple hair in her natural black hair...
Well, that is my Cajun natural brown hair...
paint with a splash of reddish-purple!!!
Of course the dogs noticed instantly...
REX "Wow mom your hair is really well hum PURPLE!!"
JUICY He just staired with one "GRUNT"
Big DOG I asked Do u Like my hair..."Yeah sure! Purple makes your skin whiter"
My Mother "well it's different & if you don't like it
-it will wash out in a few days right?!"
So to all you ladies who think there is NO WAY I will never color my hair
Think again...Coloring is addictive..
once u color one way YOU will try other ways...
& Just remember this REDS wash out faster then other colors
BUT Blondes have to color more often due to New Growth at ROOTS
*if you decided to enhance your hair at home &
come across a few dye splats around your
work area read here-my friend shares some points for clean ups!!*
Monday, July 14, 2008
Thanks for all of you who had signed up...
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Dining Out???
We went to Chili's (one of my all time fav)
There wasn't many people around 3:30pm
so I figured it was safe enough to go in with the dogs...
Of course our waiter was to much into himself to worry that we needed the children's food 1st then aps. & then our food after wards...of course he took our order all at once even though I asked him to put in the children's order 1st...Boy I just LOVE when they do NOT listen...just burns me red...No other family member talks when I come to order...Heck I have to order for 3 dogs & myself then find out what big dogs wants too...i give it in a certain way I expect it to be delivered to us that same way...Esp beings _amongst other people in the world who don't_I do pay a tip of 15% of what our check amount is...sometimes if not more ESP. if the service was above GOOD!!!!
Then of course several people came & went & we still sat there waiting....& waiting...1 hour of waiting for what we order...Burgers...
The dogs...well Rex was well behaved...he always had been...I always took him with me everywhere when it was just the 3 of us WAY BACK WHEN...LOL
Spot...he was a bit to eager to explore our table & everyone that walked by us...
He manged to hold a conversation all about what & why is there gum under this table...eww GROSS is mainly what he said...Germs - Virus- OH I need to wash my hands...& of course he had to talk to each & every (female) waitress when passed us...SO MALE!!!
Juicy-he didn't want to try to color...he wanted to EAT the color & the lil' booklet too-He was the hungriest of them all...He wanted FOOD NOW...of course not thinking me I had not even a lil snack bag with me...which usually I do...we were in big dogs truck-not my own where the snack bag is!!!
after our hour waiting was over-the dogs food, aps, ours, drinks, dessert ALL came in at once-our big table shrunk down to a child's small table...we wolfed down our food 'cause that time we were starved!! & even brought home 2 boxes of burgers....
reason: big mouth burgers are 1 XL burger cut into 4 pieces
our waiter failed to tell us that...I asked how big was the BIG Mouth Burgers-
He said...well they sort like a white Castle burger is just Bigger...
even demonstrated with his hands of the size it would be...
so i thought from what he said it was like a white castle mini like burger
I order 1-so I thought- 1 burger for each child...
Rex ate each 4 chunks
spot ate 1 chunk
juicy ate 2 chunks
we had 5 burger chunks left over & 1 order of fries/onion strings
plus egg roll aps. & 1/2 of chicken wing thingy aps.
well its safe to say i will return but if i see that i will have same waiter-
i'll demand they switch me to another one!!!!
if you in Houma @ chili's don't let Joseph be your waiter!!!!!
or in Lafayette-he is going there in the fall for college-transfer
& the manager in Houma will miss him all to much!!
to much info from a person don't ya' think.....
What a adventure we had...Not a dull Saturday to say the least...
still home by 9 & I even got to go to bed early...
YES before anyone else...
The big dog didn't mind...
he stayed up with Rex & Spot...
Juicy was already passed out when we arrived home...
Now to see what adventures we will endure this Sunday....
Hummm....I'm sure it will be a good one!!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Super Duper Sale
huge up to 65% off sale
I love this store-
& I shop here as often as possible!!
here is just some of the items on sale
(as of right now still in stock)
Not many items left on the site but, there is enough
to make a trip over there...
Easter Bunny Approved Grass
colors green & orange ONLY
sale: $0.50
reg.: $2.95
Crocodile & Wolf Puzzle
sale: $9.95
reg. $24.95
Farm Mobile
or Dino Mobile Sold SeparateSale: $14.95
reg. $34.00
Metal Pails
sale: $6.95
reg. $9.95
follow link below sale ends July 15th:
65% off Sale @ The Land of Nod
Stop Factory Farm Organics
This is very interesting reading...
Makes me think EXACTLY where the
organic milk I purchase is coming from?!?!
Scary Thoughts!!!
Stop Factory Farm Organics
The Organic Consumers Association is calling for consumers to protect the integrity of certified organic dairy products. According to the campaign, two of the largest organic dairy companies in the nation, Horizon Organic (a subsidiary of Dean Foods), a supplier to Wal-Mart and many health food stores; and Aurora Organic, a supplier of private brand name organic milk to Costco, Safeway, Giant, Wild Oats and others, who together control 65% of the market, are purchasing the majority of their milk from feedlot dairies where the cows have little or no access to pasture.
These giant dairy feedlots regularly import calves from conventional farms, where animals have been fed slaughterhouse waste and genetically engineered grains, and injected or dosed with antibiotics. Sign the petition and send a message to the companies' CEOs and let them know you are boycotting their products until they comply with USDA organic standards.
- Costco Canada Inc. - Ottawa, Canada
- COSTCO Wholesale Membership, Inc. - Roseville, CA
- Price Costco Canada Holdings Inc. - Ottawa, Canada
Contact Costco
Issaquah, WA 98027 USA
Phone: 425-313-8100
This is happening all over the Internet
I get emails from companies I never heard of before
& even ones I have, Including one I use their sites...
Usually I receive emails asking to verify my info
is from PayPal these too as Phishing emails
Which if you don't know that means SCAMS
that is someone trying to get your personal information
either it be date of birth, full name, address, bank account
business, or worse more of them all your Social Security Number!!!!
I recently started to get emails about a bank who needed
me to update my info....
usually if you just do a clean search on them u can see if they are fraud or not
this co. is a real co. BUT the email that is going out isn't from them
Here is the email I received last night:
Profile Update Required | |
From: | Pendleton Community Bank ( |
Sent: | Thu 7/10/08 12:43 AM |
Reply-to: | |
Dear Pendleton Community Bank Member, We had problems validating some information on your account. Update your profile as soon as possible or we will assume your account is fraudulent and it will be closed. To update your profile click on the following link: click here to update your profile After completing our online form, you will receive a confirmation email within 48-72 hours after your account will be verified by our department. Thank you, Account Management Dept. © 2008 Pendleton Community Bank All rights reserved. |
This is what is listed on this company's real web site...
Please read below in full...
Pendleton Community Bank is aware of an email phishing attempt being made to both customers and non-customers. The email appears to come from Pendleton Community Bank and includes a white PCB logo on a green background (same as above). Do not reply to the email or click the link within the email. The link directs users to a site that looks similar to the online banking logon site. It’s within this area you are requested to enter personal information such as PINS, Debit card numbers, etc.
This phishing email is sent from Pendleton Community Bank ( is not a valid PCB email address.
Below is a sample of the phishing email wording:
Dear Pendleton Community Bank Member,
We had problems validating some information on your account. Update your profile as soon as possible or we will assume your account is fraudulent and it will be closed. To update your profile click on the following link:
After completing our online form, you will receive a confirmation email within 48-72 hours after your account will be verified by our department.
Thank you,
Account Management Dept.
Pendleton Community Bank will NEVER ask you to provide, verify or update personal account information via email or an unsecured Internet web site.
Welcome and thanks for visiting Pendleton Community Bank online! Pendleton Community Bank serves Pendleton, Hardy, Grant and Pocahontas counties in WV and Highland and Bath counties in Virginia -- and most recently, the Harrisonburg area of Rockingham county, Virginia. We hope you will find our site easy to use and helpful in nature. If you ever have any difficulty finding something or would like more information, we encourage you to call one of our nearest offices for assistance.
Enjoy your time exploring our website, and we hope you will check in with us periodically to see what new things we’ve added. We will strive to keep you informed of all the latest going on in and around Pendleton Community Bank! Visit CEO Message to read the complete letter.
MasterCard SecureCode™
Another Tool to Protect You When Purchasing Online
Pendleton Community Bank now offers MasterCard®SecureCode™. MasterCard SecureCode is an innovative service offering secure Internet shopping while using your PCB debit card. MasterCard SecureCode lets you add a personal SecureCode™ to your debit card, getting added security and the reassurance that only you can use your card online. MasterCard SecureCode puts you in control when shopping online: only you can approve purchases using your private SecureCode™. Click here for more information.
Be aware of 'phishing' scams and NEVER give bank account information or social security numbers over the Internet or through email. Go to the bottom of this page for more information on phishing, identity theft and how to protect yourself.
Pendleton Community Bank again sponsored the 100+ Bookworm Reading program at Brandywine Elementary for the 2007/08 school year. Go to Our Involvement for the complete story.
Pendleton Community Bank will NEVER ask you to provide, verify or update personal account information via email or an unsecured Internet web site. If you receive a request, DO NOT PROVIDE INFORMATION and contact a Customer Support Representative immediately at (304) 358-2311 or 1-866-722-2651 during business hours.
NOTE: Pendleton Community Bank does provide a “secure messaging” feature within 24/7 Online Banking which can be used to communicate personal account information in a secure manner.
See the four protection strategies below and visit the FAQs section to learn about common internet scams (Phishing and Spoofing) and get tips on how to protect your identity from being stolen.
- Be aware of spoofing and phishing attacks through email.
- Make sure your computers are fully patched. It's highly recommended you use Windows XP and turn on the automatic installation of patches feature.
- Use a firewall. Windows XP has a built-in firewall or use any of the top-name Internet Security vendors products.
- Use improved passwords with mixed numbers and upper and lower case letters. Include special characters (like $ and @) from above the number keys in the password. Example: Mary$Lamb5.
There’s numerous reasons: ID theft, accurate information, see what lenders know about you, etc. Under the FACT ACT (Free File Disclosure Rule of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act) each of the nationwide consumer reporting companies — Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion — is required to provide you with a free copy of your credit report once every 12 months, if you ask for it. Starting September 1, 2005, consumers can request a free report. Click here for more information.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
A Year of CrockPotting: A CrockPot Resolution
how cool is this...
ok it deals with food...
we will have to keep a close eye on this lady...
free recipes -can't go wrong!!!
A Year of CrockPotting: CrockPot Sweet and Sour Tofu
This woman is doing ONLY crock pot recipes for a FULL YEAR...
I admire her for it...
I know I wouldn't be able to do that...
It's not my style of cooking...
BUT...she does have some really nice food for thought!!
Check out this Sweet & Sour Tofu...
I think I may have to try this...
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
True Lemon
I have been using them for years.
It's like having 2 slices/wedges of lemon in your
glass with out the seeds, pulp, etc...
Just the perfect taste of lemon...
The company now makes True Lime & True Orange
I have yet to try them yet, but I bet they are just as good as the True Lemon...So...that is what I'm told by true lemon, lime, orange LOVERS!!
follow the link below for your FREE sample &
then you can report back to me with how much you like or dislike them...
I'll be posting some recipes as well that will surly make your
True Lemon experience one to remember & ENJOY...
- Fresh-squeezed taste
- 0 calories, 0g carbs
- 0g sugars, no artificial or natural sweeteners
- No preservatives or sodium
- 100% guarantee of satisfaction
FREE True Lemon Samples
i received my free samples last week.
in the package was a cool plastic carrying box for the packets.
i received 10 lemon & 20 orange.
the 10 lemon packs made a huge pitcher of lemon-aid
i added 1 cup sugar & filled with cold water.
the orange packs we use in single water bottles.
Rex uses them for his lunch drinks.
Train Freebie
but what the heck it is about trains...
Special Train Thomas...
Let's give it a shot...
IF not we loose nothing...
GL y'all
Free Thomas Poster
Monday, July 7, 2008
Bed Time...Or so I Thought?!?
I thought I would share with all of you BLAA BLAA
readers what it is like for us at so-called bed time...
You see it's summer vacation here & the dogs don't
have such a mandatory set time frame BUT I do try to
stick to some of the same rules we use when we are in "School Mode".
Time starts at no later then 7'ish-7:30pm::
I give baths (if needed) every other night.
My dogs can't play outside to much in summer
time due to skin allergies. We need days of
low 70's or even cool 60's then we are OUT & about...
yes you will most likely see us in shorts come those cool crispy days.
I give spot & juicy their baths then rex showers himself down.
Spot & Juicy take less then 30 mins to wash up &
be bed ready as for REX he is worse then a woman...
He takes about NO LESS then 1 HOUR in the shower...
No i don't ask what he is doing in there cause well
he is male I don't want to know.
Once they are changed into pjs. They scrub their teeth down...
then it's last round of milk run.
yes, I'm sooo backwards but it's what we do...
Juicy takes vanilla soy with strawberry mix &
cereal in a bottle*shake shake* serve...
Spot takes soy chocolate in a sippy cup
(for the record it taste like a creamy chocolate shake-yum mo)
& Rex takes organic whole milk...(in a cup).
Down the hatch it goes before they land in their beds.
I turn on Baby TV for Juicy & the bigger dogs turn on
a DVD which lately (last 2 months) has been Vintage Mickey. Too cute BTW.
Then As I think I can get to the kitchen to bring it back from the dead...
I hear chirping-Not sure if it's the boys or a cricket bringing us
luck or something wild creature mating or what...down the hall
i start to go as I look in to see Juicy is on his back one leg up
on the railing & other one pressing on his Fisher Price fish tank...
(yes I high recommend these We still have all 3 from
each dog-Only 2 work though both tied onto Juicy's bed railing)
He is kicking the on & off button with his foot.
Just gazing at it like it's the coolest thing ever.
Totally amused & not aware that I'm standing in on his symphony.
I slip out before he does notice though...head up the hall
to head back to the kitchen & I'm stopped...I hear "Mom" "Mom"
I head back down to see Spot sitting up in his bed all to show me
what song & dance he so loves on the vintage mickey dvd...
I get the like recital then of course we hug 2x & kiss 2x...
back to the kitchen once more...clean up the poor thing & set dishes to wash.
Before heading out the kitchen I prepare 6 bottles for
Juicy (4 vanilla, strawberry milk & 2 apple juice),
4 sippy cups for Spot ( 2 chocolate milk & 2 tropical juice)
& 4 regular cups with lids for Rex
(1 regular milk, 1 chocolate milk, 2 organic punch juice)...
Then I preset my Coffee pot ready for ME!!!
As i head in my "so-called used to be all MINES office"
I head the bigger dogs party-up in their room...
I head back down the hall to set them straight &
put on Baby TV as well for them...
In the evenings Baby TV plays only musically songs. No words No talking No nothing else that is distracting...Pure Music...Soft & sweet!! Makes u very sleepy...I love that extra help at night for the dogs...
Once my dogs are sleeping then I go to sleep myself...
I can NOT sleep if I know they are awake...
Even if it is in their own beds...
For little feet NEVER stay put in their places...
Bonus Wooden Floors are extra ears for mothers...
I hear then at a drop of a toe...LOL
By this time is it well pass 10 pm-
OK OK it's very close to 11pm...
Maybe one day we can have them all in bed
sleeping by 10 BUT not have anyone wake up
in the mid morning like the rooster just crowed...
LOL I'll be here if that day ever comes...
Till then OUR crazy nights will be still rolling...
Good Nite to y'all & Sweetest Dreams!!
Mississippi Fun Facts
You know I love Miss. as much as I love La.
These fun Miss. State facts were sent to me
by my friend Tina; who is born & raised in Miss.
Thanks Sweetie
The Mississippi Gulf Coast, from Biloxi to Henderson Point,
is the largest and longest man-made beach in the world.
The World's ONLY cactus plantation is located in Edwards with
more than 3000 varieties of cacti.
Mississippi has more tree farms than any other state.
Mississippi has more churches per capita than any other state.
Norris Bookbinding Company in Greenwood is the largest
Bible rebinding plant in the nation.
H. A. Cole in Jackson, MS, developed the cleaning product Pine-Sol.
Pine-sol is manufactured ONLY in Pearl, Mississippi
Dr. Tichenor developed and created "Dr. Tichenor's Antiseptic in
Liberty, MS (not in South Louisiana as commonly believed).
ONLY four cities in the entire world have been sanctioned by the
international Theater/Dance Committee to host the International Ballet
Competition: Moscow, Russia; Varna, Bulgaria; Helsinki, Finland;
and Jackson,Mississippi.
David Harrison of Columbus, Mississippi owns the patent on the
"Soft Toilet Seat." Over one million are sold every year.
The very first football player to be on a WHEATIES cereal box was none
other than Walter Peyton of Columbia, Mississippi.
The "Teddy Bear's name originated after a bear hunt in Onward
Mississippi with President Theodore Roosevelt. President Roosevelt
refused to shoot a staked out cub bear. The hunt was organized by Holt
Collier, a slave bear hunter from the area. News of this spread across
the country, and a New York merchant capitalized on this publicity by
creating a stuffed bear called "Teddy's Bear."
H. T. Merrill of IUKA, Mississippi, flew the very first round-trip
transoceanic flight in 1928. The flight to England was made in a plane
loaded with ping-pong balls.
The birthplace of Elvis Presley in Tupelo, Mississippi includes: a
a chapel, and the two-room house in which Elvis was born.
The world's first and oldest "Holiday Inn" is located in Clarksdale,
Blazpn-Flexible Flyer, Inc., in West Point, Mississippi, manufactures
the best snow sled in the country, the Flexible Flyer.
GREENWOOD, Mississippi, is the home of Cotton Row, which is the
second largest cotton exchange in the nation and is on the National
Register of Historic Places.
Emil and Kelly Mitchell, The KING and QUEEN of GYPSIES, are buried in
Rose Hill Cemetery in Meridian, Mississippi. Since 1915, people from
all over the world have left gifts of fruit and juice at their
THE 4-H CLUB began in Holmes County, Mississippi in 1907.
The Waterways Experiment Station in Vicksburg, Mississippi, is the
largest research, testing, and development facility of the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers.
On April 25, 1866, women in Columbus decorated the graves of
Confederate and Union soldiers in Friendship Cemetery.
Shoes, in America, were first sold in "PAIRS" in 1884 at Phil
Gilbert's Shoe parlor in Vicksburg, Mississippi.
Inventor James D. Byrd of Clinton, Mississippi holds seven patents and
developed the plastic used as a heat shield by NASA.
Mississippi's University for Women in Columbus, Mississippi, was the
first state college for women in the country, established in 1884.
Every commercial airliner has at least one hydralic component that is
manufactured in Jackson, Mississippi.
The McCoy Federal Building in Jackson, Mississippi, is the first
federl building in the United States to be named for a Black man. Dr.
A. H. McCoy was a dentist and business leader.
Hat maker, John B. Stetson learned and practiced the art of hat making
in Dunn's Falls, Nississippi.
The oldest field game in America is STICKBALL, played by the Choctaw
Indians of Mississippi. Demonstrations can be seen every July at the
Choctaw Indian Fair in Philadelphia, Mississippi.
Alcorn State University, in Lorman, Mississippi, is the oldest black
land grant college in the world.
The Internation Checkers Hall-of-Fame is in Pelahatchie, Mississippi.
Natchez, Mississippi was settled by the French in 1716 and is the
oldest permanent settlement on the Mississippi River.
Natchez once had 500 millionaires, more than any other city except New
York City.
Natchez now has more than 500 buildings that are on the National
Register of Historic Places.
Captain Isaac Ross of Lormon, Mississippi freed ALL of his slaves in
1834 and arranged for their passage to the West Coast of Africa
There is where theyfounded the country of Liberia.
Oliver Pollock was the largest individual financial contributor to the
American rebelution. He invented the Dollar Sign ($). He is buried near
Pickneyville, Mississippi.
Resin Bowie, the inventor of the famous Bowie Knife, is buried in Port
Gibson, Mississippi.
Liberty, Mississippi, was the first town in the country to erect a
Confederate monument, in 1871.
The Pass Christian Yacht Club is the second oldest yacht club in
North America, founded in 1849.
The Mississsippi Legislature passed one of the first laws in 1839 to
protect the property rights of married women!! .
The Natchez Trace Parkway, named an "All American Road" by the federal
government, extends from Natchez, Mississippi to just south of
Nashville, Tennessee. The Trace began as an Indian trail more than
8,000 years ago.
The Mississippi Delta, (Greenville), is the birthplace of the blues,
which preceeded the birth of jazz, the only other original American art
The Vicksburg National Cemetery is the second-largest national
cemetery in the country. Arlington NationalCemetary is the largest.
D'lo, Mississippi was featured in LIFE magazine for sending
proportionally more men to serve in WWII, than ANY OTHER town of its
size; 38% of the men who lived in or about D'lo, Mississippi.
In 1894, Coca-cola was first bottled by Joseph A. Biedenharn in
Vicksburg, Mississippi.
Mississippi was the first state to outlaw imprisonment of debtors.
Belzoni, Mississippi,...IS...the "Catfish Capital of The World".
Approximately 70% of the nation's farm-raised catfish comes
from Mississippi.
Fred Montalvo owns the company that makes "ICEE" drinks from Edwards,
Peavy Electronics, in Meridian, is the world's largest manufacturer of
musical amplification equipment.
Proportionally more Mississippians were killed during the Civil War
than from ANY OTHER Confederate state!!
Serving during reconstruction, Hirian Revels was Mississippi's first
BLACK U. S. Senator.
The FIRST (PTA) Parent-Teachers Association was formed and founded in
Crystal Springs, Mississippi.
Babe Ruth's famous last home run was hit off a Mississippian, Guy Bush
of Tupelo, Mississippi
Yes, that is right...
We love clothes, we buy even when we really don't need
but we found it, gotta have it, drives us to stock piling it
all over our closets & also in bins at the bottom of our closets as well...
Now we are going to clean it out room for room
or child for child...
These methods can be used for every one in the family-
The bare essentials for spring/summer are:
4 shorts (add 2 more shorts for males)
4 Capri (for the females)
2 pair sandals (casual)
2 pair sandals (dress)
4 sleeveless tops
4 short sleeve tops
1 pair tennis shoes-sneakers
2-4 PJs sets
Unlimited Amount of under garments & socks & bathing suits
2 beach towels per person
The bare essentials for fall/winter:
(depending on where you live
You may have to add a thermos over stuffed snow suit
LOL I'll never own one here in the deep south)
4 jean pants
2 sweat outfits
(flip the jean VS sweat pants depending on your indoor/outdoor time)
2 dress &/or pants outfits
4-6 long sleeve cotton t-shirts
2 jackets (one casual, one dress up)
2 hats & scarves & gloves
endless amount of under garments & socks
1 pair non-slip boots
1 pair sneakers
2 pair fuzzy slippers (the funkier the better)
Once you have figured out what excatly you want to keep
the rest will be fine in a black garbage bag to be delivered to local church or donation group...
IF you can NOT use it or WON'T give it to someone who will
Another rule I stick to:
IF you didn't wear it in the last year
Give away-'Cause it's taken up space you NEED
for your GOOD NEW Clothes...
If it's for a child: IF he or she can NOT fit the clothes & or shoes
someone will NEED it more
then the bottom of the drawer or closet it has been laying in...
That should keep you busy for some time...
IF you do not get it all done in one day
NO need to worry.
At least TRY to finish one per or one room per day!!
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Show & Tell Contest
Send your entries to:
Post-it® and Scotch®Teacher’s Show and Tell Contest
PO Box 1096
Grand Rapids, MN 55745-1096
Entry Form
Grand Prize (3):
$1,000 worth of 3M Classroom Products.
Second Place Prizes (25):
Teacher’s Treasure Chest filled with a 10 pound assortment of Post-it® Notes.
Contest Rules
$5,000 & Other Prizes

We invite you to enter Baby Einstein's Lifetime of Discovery Sweepstakes -- an amazing chance to win a $5,000 college savings bond for the special baby in your life.
Enter now for the chance to win one of the exciting prizes on the right!
To enter the Lifetime of Discovery Sweepstakes, you must be a registered member of Baby Please log in or complete the registration form below. After you have finished, you will be taken to the sweepstakes entry page
ENDS July 30th, 2008
Blog Templates Anyone???
After looking around the www i have
found a few that are 3-4 columns
as to this one which is only 2 column....
for all my blaa blaa blaa bloggin'
& then sites I recommend, my links...etc
everything just ain't fitting the way I expected it would-
It's so over mushed & I find it hard to see
everything with out being over
informed...ya' know what I mean....
then again I'm not sure how to do a replacement template either....
they all do not come with instruction!!
maybe I'll find one that has the tabs on top
for each area instead on mashed on side bar-
& enough room on a side bar for my shopping tags...
I guess you can say I'm a lil' old fashion to that-
I think I should have tags on top to click to where
I want to go next instead of it being laid out on side for all to see...
New lazy bloggers.....LOL...
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Did any one say "TRAINS"
Especially REX....HE LOVES them the most!!
He loves any kind at that...
from the several thousand dollar ones to the cheap 88cent ones
as long as it is a train then he has to have it...
He is a very good builder
he can lay down a track set like no one has ever seen in a matter of mins.
Want a big set with all & every bit of tracks
it may take him a while but, he will have every single set out there...
check out the pics to see the many tracks include...
there are 3 all together & he ran out of room
He still have 2 other sets that we couldn't include
No more cement to lay them down on...

The pic at the top & bottom here is both of Moon Dog Spot...
He was adding the trains on while Moon Dog Rex was building...
That is PURE team work!!!

In the pic above That is Sir Topenhat
He runs the Rail Lines

humm Now if ONLY we had more cement room to
BUILD ALL of our trains out on?!?!?
one more dog to go.......

Moon Dog Rex
Sweet Charmer, Train LOVER,
Momma's Boy (which all my boys are), Big Helper
He is a too sweet for his own good kinda kid.
He wants to be the big boy he is (8 years old)
but, at the same time he enjoys the playing he
gets to do with his younger brothers...
He makes my job easier due to his helping ways...
But, he will not help with out some sort of payment...
Sooooooooooo MALE!!!
rather it be sweets, treated out to fast food,
or good old fashion green that's right the
boys LOVE to shop & love trains
so he expects the MONEY for his hard work...
((& I've been told girls are worse then boys-
That person did not have 3 boys))
More Moon Dogs..........

Moon Dog Spot
ohh gess where to start, humm
personality...he has the simple
"I do not care what you think I should care about!!!"
yet the flip side of him is sweet ultra charmer ladies man...
He is a slick & loves to flaunt it!!
Who said you can't be a pirate?!!
His birthday is at the end of October
& WE LOVE Halloween!!
so, gotta have it all out deco, dress up party!!!!
no you can't find his pirate costume online-
that is a crafty momma home-made costume ;)