Sunday, November 2, 2008

Speaking Of.....

Holidays-Are you ready for Christmas???

Do you have any of your shopping done with yet??

Did you make a list & check it twice???

I have a list-used to be longer but, IF you are over 18 in my family,
It's time for you to shop for ME instead of me for YOU--

::My mind rant::
plus the sad thought that it's all about giving
not receiving BUT, If I go out my way to make your
special & unique to you-I DO expect the same thing back-

ESPECIALLY after NEARLY 9 somewhat years of me giving
to you
& not receiving something unique to me back...

I have over 90% of my shopping list done with.
But, as I was sitting here just last week "checking it twice"
I couldn't find no wheres on my list something of Juicy.
did I skip him or just hadn't found that something special?
Where is his name on my list??
I flipped mad through my pages-

No juicy to be found...

Humm I even asked Big Dog if he knew of anything

I may had bought for juicy that I couldn't remember??

He stood there thoughtless too.
That lead us to the 3 of 4 hiding places.
We dug for what seemed to be hours (30 mins)
& came up with nothing.

OMD we have nothing for our baby boy-

What kind of parent am I??!!

Don't answer that plz....

He doesn't NEED toys-
loves to walk around chewing on a blanket or what-nots
He plays with what ever the other dogs leave laying around
But, then it hits me-His room...
He has furniture that we don't use...
He has his crib that well-keeps him contained for the moment

Maybe that is it-his walls are bare butt...
He has nothing to gaze at when he is in total bliss mode
Maybe that is it-I need to do a make over on his room
Big Dog painted it just in time for his arrival before his birth
& we had new wooden floors installed as well
But everything else is hand-me-downs & antique furniture.
He needs something to make it all POP-

Then the thinking went on to what does juicy like....
Trains, cars, trucks, tractors,
Oh No wait that is the Brother Dogs
humm what does juicy like....
ANIMALS That is it...
We shall try to find something in the Circus Theme
{heck living in this house is like being in the circus}

& the witch hunt goes on...........

bed set
curtain panel
wall decor.
wooden toy things
books (cotton made for chewing baby)
wall art/painting

humm so much can be done-
only have 2 months to complete the look!!!

wish me luck-
when i find the good deals-
I'll post here for you to shop & save as well...

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